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An Apology



I would like to apologize for the now-deleted entry with the obviously fake pictures and info of a "2008 Matoran".

I never thought it would be dragged out this far. I thought it would be obvious that it's fake, and i even put "TIF", meaning This is Fake.


Omi was right in his comment he posted in the now-deleted entry. I didn't base it off of a 08 Set name or Leaked picture.


I would like to apologize to Greg, for having all those PMs asking if it's real. I didn't think anyone would PM him asking if it was real,since again, I thought people would know it's an Edit.


And with the fake story, I knew nobody would fall for that, since it wasn't Greg's style, and nobody would fall for the Movie, seeing as how there's no movie in 2008.


So again, i apologize to Greg and everyone who had to deal with this.


And if anyone is curious, i built an MOC (it's truly Green and Lime Green) and Put it in photoshop, and changed the Hue/Saturation.



Please don't take this out any further. I only did this as a obviously fake entry about it. If i wanted people to think it's real, i would have put it in the Sets forum..

Again. Sorry.

I will not do this in the future, except for April Fools Day.



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I'll be posting the edit in Artwork and the MOC in BBC soon. Just so the pictures don't go to waste.

Now i need Greg to see this.

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The joke was funny but a bit pretentious, but more importantly, I'm concerned by what the number of people who thought it was real said about the gullibility levels of members.
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Just picture a matoran with a shorter Toa Metru Body, Zatth, Hewkii Mahri Blade, and squid launcher photoshopped.

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