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Privy To Much Knowledges



It's true. I happen to be well aware of numerous factoids that most people here are not, however, most of those people aren't the intelligent sophisticates (albeit some with grammar issues) who read my blog. I know something you don't know, I know something you don't know! Heheh. The Google machine may churn out festering lies and evil, but it is very useful.


In other news, it appears that sk8boarder_to_da_max (sorry if I got your name wrong) has given me a seal of approval thingy. I shall have to make a new section for this.


Oh, and the Concrete death trap succeeded in sapping away more fragments of my life and soul today. However, this was not in the in-school suspension I served out today (I hit somebody who had been trying to provoke me for weeks, I'm angry at myself now), but rather, right after I got to my locker when school ended. I need not explain, for those knowledgeable should be able to extrapolate some sort of near-factual conclusion.



Sha-ZAM! *runs off flapping arms and screaming gibberish*


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