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Birthdays And Things In Relation

Dr. Bionicle


Yeah, so I forgot to post here in my birthday topic. Nothing snooty, just totally forgot for some reason. So to all you cool people who took some time out of your day to wish me a happy birthday, thanks!


This birthday was exponentially more amazing than most others I've ever had.


Saturday had a bash at my house with a bunch of my closest friends. For those of you who remember my study in the Complex of 8th Grade Males, I must say that Freshmen Males aren't a lot better. I have learned, however, that when females are present, the OML (those of you who are good little blog-readers will remember that stands for "Overall Maturity Level") is in fair moderation of itself.



  • P-Cart (whose real name is Patrick, but no one calls him that) succeeded in drinking 7-8 Dr. Peppers and was deemed unsafe for driving home (Ha ha, yes, we Kansans can get our permits when we're 14).
  • I succeeded in hitting Nolan in the face with a plastic sword (total accident, I swear). He just said, "Toss me the weapon!" How was I supposed to know he meant handle-first and how was I supposed to know he would bend down that suddenly?
  • I'm still the champion of BopIt Xtreme with a score of fweeoo, kahhn, bah! bah! bah! (for those of you not fluent in the BopIt dialect, that's 113).
  • I succeeded in being appetizing, magical, neat, and delicious in Apples to Apples.
  • Ian managed to kick the chips and onion dip onto the floor within the first ten minutes of the party, the likes of which had to be picked up by the entire group so that one birthday boy would be allowed to live to see his 15th birthday.
  • I finally managed to beat out Nolan in piano jamming by getting an overwhelming chorus of the guys to sing "Somebody to Love" by Queen. It was pretty awesome, even though our upright stinks like geese.
  • I also got the opportunity to jam on my brother's electric guitar, which sounded pretty awesome hooked up to the distortion channel.
  • My spoils include a high school shirt (which I learned on Monday is pretty tight on me, but which I wore anyway since Liesel, my girlfriend, gave it to me and I was going to see her at choir that day), a subscription to Breakaway magazine, $15 iTunes card, $45 worth of Target giftcards, Hahli Mahri (a tribute from Alan for our LEGO nerdity), a mixed CD of some of the best horn ensembles ever (one of which is "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen, which sounds amazing), $15 giftcard for my favorite local fast food place, and Skillet's album "Comatose" (<3<3<3<3<3<3).


Saturday was pretty awesome. I fell asleep listening to Comatose (one of my favorite albums ever, now). Then came Sunday, my real birthday.


There are far too many highlights to list here, but what I really got excited about were my spoils, which are worthy of a list themselves...

  • The Bourne Identity and Supremacy (Matt Damon + Robert Ludlum = FTW)
  • Stranger Than Fiction (one of my favorite movies ever, basically)
  • Relient K's "Five Score & Seven Years Ago" (great album)
  • Deas Vail's "All the Houses Look the Same" (I got this from my sister's boyfriend, who I consider a close bud, and I must say that I'm growing to like the band)
  • Pants (there's a whole inside joke behind this that I don't care to explain now for ya'lls sakes)
  • Transformers shirt (which, ironically, my sister thought was a Bionicle shirt)
  • Hard Rock Cafe shirt ( :smeag: )
  • Charleston Chews (if you don't know what those are, get some... best candy ever)
  • Jaller Mahri (if you're doubting buying him, don't... he's the bomb)
  • Guitar Capo

The list doesn't end there, but the next gift I got is pretty sweet, so I figured it deserved its own paragraph.


In my family, it's basically a sign of manhood (or adulthood) to get your own guitar. Emma got a Washburn, Caroline got a JetKing, and for whatever reason, Drew got a little Fender. After I started learning guitar last year, I've been playing the life out of Emma's Washburn, so I guess they figured it was time I got my own guitar.


Yeah, I got a Ventura from the '70s, never been played.


And it's pretty sweet.


Sorry, I couldn't find a decent picture of the kind I got. It plays like a beauty, though, and I finally have a guitar of my own. So, whoo.


There's really nothing else left to be said, other than it feels awesome to be 15.



Dr. Bionicle


Recommended Comments

Breakaway's a pretty sweet mag.

And that Reliant K CD too...


Sounds like you had a great time.


Happy Birthday!


Oh! Once a year we celebrate

With stupid hats and plastic plates

The fact that you were able to make

A trip around the sun!

And the whole band gathers round

And gifts & laughter do abound

And we let out a joyful sound

And sing that stupid song!


Happy Birthday! Now you’re one year older

Happy Birthday! Your life still isn’t over

Happy Birthday! You’ve not accomplished much

But you didn’t die this year

I guess that’s good enough!


Cheers to your fading health

I hope you don’t remind yourself

Your chance of finding fame and wealth

Decreases every year.

Does it feel like you’re doing laps,

Eating food, taking naps,

And hoping that someday perhaps your life will hold some cheer?


Happy Birthday! You’ve done nothing that matters!

Happy Birthday! You’re starting to get fatter!

Happy Birthday! It’s downhill from now on!

Try not to remind yourself your best years are all gone!


If cryogenics were all free

Then you could be like Walt Disney

And life for all eternity

Inside a block of ice!

But this is it, your time is set

This is the only life you get

And though it hasn’t ended yet

Sometimes you wish it might!


Happy Birthday! You wish you had more money!

Happy Birthday! Your life’s so sad it’s funny!

Happy Birthday! How much more can you take?

But your friends are hungry

So just cut the stupid cake!


Happy Birthday!



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