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Updates, Plus The Fair.

Soaring Strawberry


Update 1: I found my mp3! I had merely forgotten where I last put it. :lol: Now I can focus on finding that jacket.


Update 2: I got my molding for the retainers on Monday -more icky paste, but this one didn't stick to my teeth like hard candy. I also got to choose the color of the plastic. (Transparent purple.)


The LA County Fair

Every September, the fairplex near my high school is packed with rides, shops, and many locals and tourists. The Fair also has other permanent parts to it:

  • The rides are hosted by the company RCS. (we don't know what it means, but our guess is "Really Crazy Stunts." :P ) We don't go on the rides that often.
  • Food: Basically, every booth here is fast food. Much of it are ethnic delights, fish, bar-be-qued pork, and others. Then we get into the "strange fried food" category. Older items include fried twinkies/oreos, and another booth has really weird stuff: chicken-and-Krispe-Kreme sandwitch, fried frog legs,* and now fried coke. We stayed in the "fast food" category.
  • Garden: Besides the minigardern contest, the central building has a theme -this year's took us to Italy, if only for a moment.
  • Museums: The Fairplex hosts the Hotrod Association, but we always visit the Millard Sheets Art Museum. (Sheets was art director for the Fair) It also has an annual theme: this time, The Tapestry of Life focused on Sheet's life work.
  • Education Expo: Usually, there is some vague theme (vague, because none of the entries are made with the theme in mind), and then there are contests for collections (that did include Bionicle, but not this year), science projects, and plenty of art.
  • Home Arts: Similar to the Ed Expo, minus the theme and collections. It used to be where the Hotrods are now, and its current location are the rooms where the high school entries once stood. (As a result, there is less in both venues). For some reason, the Home Art's Table Setting contest is my favorite, and I want to enter... my current idea starts with a resounding "Arrr!" Anyway, I was realy happy with this year's entries, and the Best in Show had "Dr. Suess" as its theme.
  • Shopping: Basically, it's "mall colides with flea market." Last year, it also took over the theme building: Where it would once have amazing display about a subject (aviation, dragons, music) and that subject would set a theme for their souviners. Now, it has ice skating (not free), photos with Santa, and then the shopping.


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