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Money... *drools*



I spent the last two weeks in a room with air conditioners that barely work (it's 90 degrees in there on average) trying to keep a bunch of six-year-olds in line, all of whom appear to be out to get me.


In other words I got a job at a summer camp. A camp for six-year-olds, all of whom appear to be out to get me.


Well it's an art camp and I like kids so really aside from the unbearable heat it was a pretty fun job. Except for that one girl from the first week. She was really like out there. Wouldn't listen to a thing I said. Often just fell on the floor and started laughing uncontrollably while I tried to tell her not to do something.


Anyway, my point is the paper said we'd get our paychecks on Thursdays and... I haven't gotten a cent so far.


I'm supposed to make about 280 bucks (not sure if it'll be taxed, in which case I'd prolly get like 210 or something) and there's naturally plently of stuff I got my eyes on for that 280 bucks. One of them that I'm considering is Premier Membership for BZP, not sure how long but I'm thinking that could be somethign I could get with some of the money I make. I'd also like to have an Inika or two...


So basically I'm just waiting for some money...




Because despite the fact that it was a better job than flipping burgers, I wouldn't have run after a bunch of six-year-olds, all of whom appear to be out to get me, for free.


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HAD, I had a job but it was only for two weeks. 'twas my first one. ^^


Triangle summer art camp. For hyperactive ADD six-year-olds. And seven and eight and nine and ten. But most of them were six.


Some of the kiddies were actually cute when they weren't beating me to death. ^_^

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Divide and conquer, Lyg. I've got a bit of experience with hyperactive kids of that age, and it takes some time for them to understand you're not amused, and then some more time for them to understand they're being reprimanded. It's often enough to put them aside from the group for a while, especially when you're doing something fun. It sounds cruel, but it works better than words.
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Divide and conquer, Lyg. I've got a bit of experience with hyperactive kids of that age, and it takes some time for them to understand you're not amused, and then some more time for them to understand they're being reprimanded. It's often enough to put them aside from the group for a while, especially when you're doing something fun. It sounds cruel, but it works better than words.

I dunno about that for some of the kids, but yeah, that seems t'be sound advice, thanks ^^ 'course I'd only need it if I go for the same or similar job next year, but hey, y'never know when kid management skillz will come in handy :P



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