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Project Unveil: Bionicle Reference Center!




In mere hours, the next Reference Project will go live! A series of clues was hidden that revealed three levels of mystery about the project. All three levels have been solved! There is no more mystery -- except what exactly is in the new BRC -- and so there are no more question marks from this point on. The three levels of Mystery were these:

1) The next Reference Project is going live! Today!

2) It involves a shared account, the Reference Keeper Team.

3) It is no small project -- this is the new Bionicle Reference Center, now in the form of a forum!

The winners are: Ca'gerrin, Adventurer, GB#1, Gravitan, Lih, and Laughin' Man. Congrats, and enjoy those cookies!

Inside this forum will be several topics full of reference posts by the shared account, written by Reference Keepers. For today, all you'll get to see is the empty forum, but over the series of days after that, one resource topic a day will be revealed. There is one more bonus clue that will tell you how many days (including today) we will be announcing. Thus, if you subtract one, you will know how many reference topics there will be. :) (Sorry, no cookies for that clue. :P)

More details will be in the announcement article, along with a screenshot. Keep watching the front page!


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No RPGs in blogs, folks.


It's not an RPG it's a joke :P


Why does the Reference Keeper shared account have a cooler avatar then the S&T Fact Team account?


No seriously Bones we want a mask too! Well I do.

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I thought you loved work! I mean, all your wordy posts are work. Remember, Work = Energy/Time, so convert some wordy posts or logic in EE in a short amount of time and there you go.


Yeah, I know it doesn't work like that.


I should probably mention that I like this idea (the Reference Center, but a better S&T avatar too), mostly because the old reference centre stopped with "The Bohrok-Kal are the lastest evill dudes" but also this is less likely to go go down then the BS01 =P.


Does the RC use some fancy html, because I thought it was disabled on BZ?

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Hey BS01 is gonna be fine as soon as it goes up as we're gonna have a huge server and enough space for all of it. Oh and I agree with FT getting a new avi. And yea only RKT can use it, I'd know cuz I tried using it on an S&T topic :P

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I thought you loved work! I mean, all your wordy posts are work. Remember, Work = Energy/Time, so convert some wordy posts or logic in EE in a short amount of time and there you go.


Yeah, I know it doesn't work like that.

Punny! :o


Posting is fun, not work. You people always think I take days to type these things up. Most of the time it takes a few minutes.



I should probably mention that I like this idea (the Reference Center, but a better S&T avatar too), mostly because the old reference centre stopped with "The Bohrok-Kal are the lastest evill dudes" but also this is less likely to go go down then the BS01 =P.


Does the RC use some fancy html, because I thought it was disabled on BZ?

It's disabled for normal members in normal forum divisions. We turned it on for the BRC. It's not that fancy, though, mostly just tables and colors.


Hey BS01 is gonna be fine as soon as it goes up as we're gonna have a huge server and enough space for all of it. Oh and I agree with FT getting a new avi. And yea only RKT can use it, I'd know cuz I tried using it on an S&T topic :P

Okay, so any actual suggestions as to a new av? ;)

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Posting is fun, not work. You people always think I take days to type these things up. Most of the time it takes a few minutes.

Does that mean you've got robot fingers?

Nope, just the untiring fingers of a skeleton. :P

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Hey BS01 is gonna be fine as soon as it goes up as we're gonna have a huge server and enough space for all of it. Oh and I agree with FT getting a new avi. And yea only RKT can use it, I'd know cuz I tried using it on an S&T topic :P

Okay, so any actual suggestions as to a new av? ;)

How about a Bonesiii version of the mask of Creation, bones you're gonna have to make this one up as there's no pics of the MoC yet (Artahka's mask).


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