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Soaring Strawberry


Welcome to October, in Gali Nuva Girl Style! Rather than write a long introduction, I'll get straight to the topics.


Ride 'em, Cowgirl!

The San Dimas Rodeo

Our first attraction is the San Dimas's Western Days and Rodeo. During the first weekend, this town celebrates its past, while my Bethel hosts a knick-knack booth as our fundraiser.


Rodeo 2007


Everyone Party!

Rainbow and Demolay Installations

The Shrine Halloween Dance

Meanwhile, we have many chances to party this month: California Assemblies and Chapters have their formal installations, and in many cases there are dances. However, the major party comes on the last friday of October...

Put on your costume & get in the bus we're going to L.A.! This party, hosted by the local Shriners, is filled with masonic youth, free treats, and contests.


Shrine Dance 2007


This is Halloween...

How my family enjoys the season

As children, my brother and I would visit Knott's Berry (Scary) Farm and Legoland, and my schools (k-6 and then 7-12) would have their respective celebrations. Disney never did much until their "Haunted Mansion Holiday" and now the whole theme, "Halloween Time."


Our house is also flooded with lights and decorations: my dad once helped to build the annual haunted house for his area, but now he uses those skills for a child-friendly version. With these decorations, and music on Halloween night, our house is the most popular on the street.


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