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Long But Short Weekend



It was a dark and stormy night. The laptop slammed. A "beep" rang out. The printer screamed. Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the monitor!


Too much Snoopy.


How 'bout, "It was the best of weekends, it was the worst of weekends"? Yeah, that's better. Although I'm wary of segues from Schultz to Dickens... it cheapens Schultz.


The long weekend was productive in a lot of ways. We had a kids birthday, which was fun (and yes, he got a LEGO set), but more importantly, I got a few things done. But not nearly as much as I'd wanted to, of course. I did manage to get "DotNetNuke" set up on a machine, and the beginnings of a web site structure going (more on that project later), and some content ported from the old site. A few more weeks and it'll be done. It'll be interesting to see how a .NET server runs; I'm used to Linux. I generally dislike Winders servers, they're finicky and need kicking on a regular basis.


I also managed to get BZP's Vahki Power skin up and running, although it needs some more custom tweaks. I'll try to get those done this week, and use it as a template for the next set of skins, so I don't have to re-invent the circular rolly thing every time.


One thing that didn't go so well was working on BrickFest.com, trying to add an RSS feed. It's not hard, I've got most of the code from BZP anyway, but working on that server is so frustrating... Winders shtanks. Truly. Every third or fourth FTP connection reset my local network so I had to reboot my router and hub. What a massive pain. So the RSS code never made it onto BrickFest, at least not yet. I spent more than 2 hours on that 15-minute project already, enough is too much.


Now, back to work, where they've reassigned me from R&D to straight production programming and support. Just another cog. Just another brick in the wall. Just another nameless, faceless drone in an increasingly inept company. But at least I can sneak time on my break to update my blog.



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Microsoft needs a swift kick in the . . . in general. Cahoots? Tooty pie? Pick your euphimisim and run with it. Whatever it is, Microsoft needs it kicked, and swiftly.


In regards to your job switch, *cues up Pink Floyd*. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

Now all you need is a meat grinder. . . :P

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Ah, birthday parties... for young, hyper boys. Personal experience with brother and all suggests they should just be called 'a few hours of chaos', skip this 'birthday party' cover name, and thus be completely honest about the whole thing, but hey. The point is, fun was had, and y'all survived the day in your respective one pieces. Best anyone could hope for in such a situation. Way to go. :D


And another shout for 'bad Windows bad'... You know, because. Twelve-or-so years of because over here. If I got to elaborating, I'd wind up more-or-less stealing your blog. :P

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How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

Lol, great song. ^_^


I don't think I've ever been hosted on a Windows server... and I actually don't want to since Lunux is cheaper and stuff. I wish there was a faster way of transferring files onto a server other than FTP... cause FTPs sometimes crash... and that's annoying!


I'll be checking out the BrickFest website... and I wanna know what your project is! :D

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Go Linux! :biggrin: I run Ubuntu on my desktop, and I have a brother that runs a Gentoo/Apache server. The funny thing is, if I'm booted into Windows, and I check on my webpage space on my brother's Gentoo server, Windows thinks that it's an NTFS filesystem. XD


Ah... So many ways to prove that Linux > Windoze.


BTW, can you do an SSH instead of an FTP?



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BTW, can you do an SSH instead of an FTP?

You can SSH into the server, but would then need to invoke a command-line FTP client to transfer files (unless you're just sucking in through HTTP).

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Whatever in the world would you need a .NET server for.


Oh well, good luck with this project of your's. Good luck with being a cog in the workplace as well and good luck with the Brickfest stuff.

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"...it cheapens Schultz" You be a funny guy! :lol:

:) I grew up reading Peanuts comics and books. That stuff, in your formative years, stays with ya forever. No mere Dickens book can compete with that.

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"...it cheapens Schultz" You be a funny guy! :lol:

:) I grew up reading Peanuts comics and books. That stuff, in your formative years, stays with ya forever. No mere Dickens book can compete with that.

Amen to that. :)


Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, The Far Side. :superfunny:


There's just something about them that really appeals to me. I guess I just like to chuckle at the wit and have a good time. My Mom tells me I have a great sense of humor, so I guess my love of comic strips is evidence of that.


(I have more than 20 comic book collections btw B) )


~ :a: ~

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