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Crazy Dream About Msi



I overslept Friday morning... Not enough to come anywhere close to missing the bus, but I woke up at 5:53 AM, instead of my preferred time of 5:00 AM, coz I just let myself lie in bed to get used to being awake for a few minutes before going downstairs, and then I fell back to sleep... So it caused me to have this AWESOME dream where my dad was driving me somewhere (it was some part of Boston I'd never seen, this place is a recurring location in my dreams from time to time) and everything seemed real, and even the XM radio service in his car was realistic (it cuts off song titles sometimes), which I know because I dreamed there was an MSI song that was like an improved version of either 'Planet of the Apes' or the song preceding it on the CD it's on (It was like how '2 Hookers' later became '2 Hookers and an 8-ball'), and I said to my dad that this was an MSI song, and I was excited... And the title was something I swear I'd seen before, it had three words, but I can't remember it... So anyways, I've added this dream to my list of dreams taking place in a strange location in Boston, which are also lucid dreams (dreams where you know it's a dream)...

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