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2008 Raises Many Questions



I actively sought out spoilers this time around. So I've seen the pics, and I know the names. And I'm quite intriqued. I can't go into many details without posting spoilers, so I won't. But I'm excited for what these sets may mean for the story in 08...even if it goes against something we had been promised for a long time.


Though there are a few pieces missing that are leaving me a bit confused at the moment. Hopefully those'll get filled in once the '08 storyline officially kicks in. But let me just say that LEGO may be in for an unexpected reaction to these new sets. And the new sets may divide people to the same degree as the Inika did when they were first introduced.


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"few pieces missing" literally, but that's all I'll say for that....


Storyline wise, I don't know.... I don't have time to keep track of future storyline and theories anymore.


I am also intrigued. Some look awesome, some don't. But I can't, obviously, give my full thoughts either.


(I've been looking at the pix all day, saved them to my flash drive, getting mixed thoughts....)



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You're completely right.


I think I'm going to have learn more about the storyline to see if these sets are going to be any good.

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(I've been looking at the pix all day, saved them to my flash drive, getting mixed thoughts....)

I saved only a few to my machine here at home. And I'm at the same point. Last year when the Mahri were leaked I knew right away that they were must haves. But this year...I don't get that vibe. I'll probably still buy them, but...more out of habit than pure desire to own.

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These sets are going to divide BZP in half. And I know what side I'm on.


Then I'm sorry to tell you that there will be most lilkely thsree groups...

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As always, I'm going to side with those who think the sets are good. Because I have yet to see a bad BIONICLE set, and I don't think LEGO makes them.


I have my irks, of course, with some of the masks, but on the whole these sets are as good as I could have expected, possibly better. I can't wait to get my share of them.


(Though, granted, I have yet to see whether by my standards they stack up to, say... Kongu and Matoro Mahri. So far it seems unlikely, but you never know.)

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(I've been looking at the pix all day, saved them to my flash drive, getting mixed thoughts....)

I saved only a few to my machine here at home. And I'm at the same point. Last year when the Mahri were leaked I knew right away that they were must haves. But this year...I don't get that vibe. I'll probably still buy them, but...more out of habit than pure desire to own.

Funny thing is, I wasn't too happy about the Mahri...(Hewkii has no chest armor! :( )

And I'm liking the bad guys (because they look like bad guys) but not the good guy $10 sets. The $5 seem to have interesting pieces, looking forward to MOCing with them.'



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