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Return To Normalcy



My "replacement" piece (since it really was never there in the first place) arrived in the mail yesterday. So my Lesohvikk set is complete. Don't worry, I'll eventually get that name right.


In the meantime, I took advantage of the BOGO at TRU last week and grabbed spare Toa. One each of Matoro, Hewkii, and Nuparu. Combined with the spare parts I finally remembered to grab from my dad's place, I was able to start building my annual Pa-Tahi Toa. Khultak and Rangi (both Olda and Nuva), Tohru and Mihini (Metru and Hordika), and now Puhi and Mahi (Inika and Mahri). Like the original Toa, they've followed themes...until I got to building the Mahri versions. Khultak, Tohru, and Puhi were traditionally centaur, while Rangi, Mihini, and Mahi were built to be the shortest Toa, and all had some form of wings or hover unit attached to their backs.


I don't know how well I can describe how Puhi and Mahi Mahri turned out. Puhi still has centaurish elements, while Mahi comes off looking rather regal with his (or is he and she after all this time) back-mounted unit now looks like a cape of sorts. Both still carry some elements that can be attributed to the original design patterns, but have also stayed true to the Mahri's uniqueness. I'm still tweaking Mahi so (s)he doesn't look as much like Matoro Mahri as (s)he currently does.


I'll see if I can find a way to get some pictures up soon to share. Puhi is definately doon, and I really like how he turned out.


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Interesting MOCs.

I have no idea who those characters are, any reference or is this something new? (But you said annual....)


Sounds cool, I can't wait!



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I just looked in your Brickshelf, and I hope you're MOCing skills have improved

(sorry, but just those use premade bodies, etc)

In some cases they have (Tamanui for example). But in the case of the Pa-Tahian's I preferred to design Toa that blended in with the team. Because they're story tied them into the teams that we grew up with, so it only made sense that they'd have similar design elements to their bretheren.

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