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A Hard Goodbye



I recieved news today that Sophia, our family dog, passed away today at the age of 12. I remember when we first got her, I was walking home from school and as I looked in my backyard from the street I saw a strange red dog running around with our other dog Buddy. So I hurried home and burst through the gate and was greeted by the newest member of the family.



We adopted her from the Human Society, where she had spent some time after being rescued from an abusive family. I don't think she was ever quite able to get used to recover from her previous owners, as she would always try to run away when the front door was opened. For the first few years, she would never wag her tail. But she was still a very loyal pet. For as much as Buddy was a momma's boy, Sophie was daddy's little girl. She would always sit on his lap, and when he went to bed at night she went in with him.


The first night after he moved out, I remember picking up Sophie and carrying her to my room. She stayed for a little bit, but quickly jumped down and ran into my parents room looking for where his bed had been. It took some time after that, but soon she found herself able to sit with me as she had with him. So when I moved to college, and my mom and sister left for Colorado, I can't imagine what it must have been like. I saw her three times after they moved away. Once when they were brought with for Thanksgiving, and then twice over Christmas. The second of which would be the last time I ever saw her.


It's only as I'm writing this that I realize how much I'm going to miss her. When you've got a little dog at the foot of your bed for three years it gets hard to fall asleep at night without that warm little lump at your feet. And that hard day at work or school is just a bit tougher to get over when there isn't a puppy to lick your face when you walk in the door.


I'm sorry, but I don't know a proper way to end this.


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