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Cat's Outta The Bag Now



Warning. The following content discusses the '08 sets.

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Okay, I didn't know what we're allowed to say and what we can't without using spoiler warnings, so this whole entry today is one big spoiler tag. Hope it's not too annoying.


But anyway, now that the 08 sets have been revealed through "legal" means, we at BZP are free to discuss what we think of them. And personally, I'm on the fence. I find Pohatu's design...confusing. But Kopaka and Lewa's both look pretty nice. I like the idea of flying Toa.


-Leaked information removed.-Shine-


I'll definately get the Toa out of tradition, and eagerly await the release of the remaining Toa. Not to mention wait impatiently for my chance to buy Ignika. Care to start throwing theories around as to who he is? (Yeah, my money's on Matoro too...)


As far as packaging goes, the canister sets are officially dead. In fact boxes now appear to be a thing of the past. Hopefully these new "little sets" won't come at too boosted a price to cover the upgrade. But if that happens, it's a simple matter of speaking with the wallet, not with the ol' Blog.


So now I join the rest of you in waiting for these puppies to become available. And hopefully that won't be too much longer.


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Not to mention wait impatiently for my chance to buy Ignika. Care to start throwing theories around as to who he is? (Yeah, my money's on Matoro too...)

Funny thing is, his colors and even the blade armor on his shoulder looks like Hewkii. (Note: not a theory, just fun)


The little guys look cool, as well as the bad guys, but the Nuva don't look like the Nuva we know. Where's Kopaka's shield? And they all have bley limbs. (And Pohatu's orange. There's about 7 pieces of orange in that set.)


I wonder why the news didn't use bigger, better pix that are out there?



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I think it's because those pics are still technically illegal comparred to the ones that have been officially listed by a retailer. Though I imagine there's a fair number of users who will be scouring the typical shopping sites waint to land that elusive official better pic.

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