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Thoughts On The '08 Sets Part 01:



I'm gonna do this every day or so for the next bit. I'll tackle it in small bites...

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On the subject of the blasters (I'm not sure if the name has been legally released yet):
They are so much better than the Cordak. Amazing... best launchers yet. They are streamlined, unlike the Cordak. And the best part about them: THEY HAVE NO RED!!!! Okay. I am calm. The Cordak were cool, but they had red... which killed any color scheme the designers were going for.

On the subject of the Makuta's launchers:
Awkward pretty muchly sums them up. It sticks out of their chests and... yuck. It just looks bizarre. hopefuly it looks okay in person...
The pieces look good for MOCing, though.
Oh, wait, I found something cool about them: They gots pretty little bug lookin' things comin out of the orange spheres. I wonder if those are kraatana...

That's it for now. As soon as I get a monitor for our PC, I'll use paint to show you just how similar the new Nuva masks are to the old.

~Sr. G


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Wow, that was a fast response.



Oh, and to get completely off-topic, did you know I existed before now?

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I didn't mind the red Cordak ammo, myself-- it looked pretty good on some color schemes, and really pulled off that "explosive" look better than a different color for each Toa would have, and probably looked better than any other "neutral" color in that it contrasts so well with the launcher. Maybe gold would have looked good, but that would bring the similarity to bullets a little too far for some people.


I hope the launching function is good; I hardly care about the appearance of the launchers.


Those evil guys' launchers scream "wonder ball" to me, btw. Hope they work well.

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