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A Darkling Plain





Aw man, I just finished it, after borrowing it on Monday... and it was really good. I kinda do wish he'd developed the ending more, because you know, you grow to love those characters, but I suppose a happy future was implied and the rest is best left up to the imagination. The sort-of-epilogue was nice, I liked it.


But see, now I'm really angry.


Because the film rights to the books have been sold...




Yes that's right. The first movie will COMBINE Mortal Engines and Predator's Gold, and the second will combine Infernal Devices and A Darkling Plain.


HOW DARE THEY! It's like, blasphemy! You just can't DO that with books so complexly plotted! AND the fact that each plot has a very distinct climax! What'll it feel like to reach that huge massive turning point TWICE in a movie? It'll be so weird! I mean it's like, when the first book's plot ends, it really FEELS like it's all over, since the entire plot before that has revolved around London and Valentine and all, and then they just skip two years into the future and focus the plot on SOMETHING ELSE ALTOGETHER, that bears minimal relation to the first ENTIRE HALF OF THE MOVIE, I mean, WHAT? How'll you have two books-- I mean-- I mean, I suppose it makes sense to split the films at the center of the series, where the largest time gap is (15-20 years pass between Predator's Gold and Infernal Devices, I believe) but come ON! It'd just feel odd. You just can't fit it all into two three-hour-tops movies.


... on a different note, my birthday approaches! October 21st, right after the looming mass of the PSAT on October 20th... >_<


Wish me luck...


Speaking of which...


Entry 4 please... :(




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*grr* I hate it when filmmakers try to condense the plots. It'll probably be nowhere near as good as the books... I also hate it when local libraries take forever to get new books in.



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I'm still living in mortal fear the Depford Mice Trilogy will be made into a movie.


So don't go and scare me with that information.

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Well, Artemis Fowl, and its sequel The Arctic Incident, are being crushed into one film.




Ok, that's it. It's official. All of Hollywood is dead to me.

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Why'd it take you so long to get a Darkling Plain? It was out ages ago.


And since when were they making a movie? I never heard anything about it. Can someone please explain?

And an Artemis Fowl movie?? Too...many..revalations...in..one...minute...!


Seriously, I agree with you. Each book should have its own movie, cos it always stinks when the plot gets messed up, because once you've read the books, your looking forward to see how they show such-and-such scene, and then they mess it up completely!

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Eh, it was never at the library at the same time I was... been looking for it for ages, just came across it.


*sigh* why do they mangle books for films? I mean, four movies would make twice as much money! On... averageish... I guess...

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