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ToM Dracone


A work that is likely to remain in progress (though not intact) for a very long time until I can acquire Antroz's mask and wing pieces... and a few other things I'm lacking; I only have two red Piraka thigh pieces and one Kalmah armor piece.




Antroz is certainly the most formidable-looking of next year's Makuta (until we see Icarax), and a fairly good set, but I'm just not that fond of him. His mask is rather too spiky and toothy and such for my tastes, too.


I also dislike his name, so I changed it... semiunintentionally using as a root the Latin word atrum, meaning dark. I like Atrokan better than Antroz, given that I prefer the original Maori-esque sound of names to the newer sound.


But anyway, there's only so much you can do in a $10 set, and I thought Atrokan could do with a more even bulk to match the aura of shadowy power I'd want a Makuta to have. So I bulked up his legs a lot, gave him KK2.3 shin armor, claws, used Vahki leg forearms, and, since using his real torso isn't really possible right now, used an Inika-based design I had had sitting around for a while. (It was going to be used on Vezon, but there's no need to talk about him now.) And Kalmah armor, since it matches the color scheme and shoulder pads always help an armored look.


Note the Kraata in the chest. Since the chest ball also isn't really possible, I replaced it with a pair of black/red Kraata and a red Zamor, so he could actually pull Kraata out of his chest... I also got the idea of the bright red being a representation of inner essence, like Makuta and the antidermis.


atrokan02.jpg_thumb.jpg :: atrokan03.jpg_thumb.jpg


Now, his wings. The Brutaka swords are just size representations of the pieces he actually has, of course. I thought he could have a pair of "shoulder wings," attached to his arms and usable if he just needs to stay in the air or something... But to actually fly, those would rotate to point below his arms, and he would point his swords backwards as well in a sort of feather-ish arrangement. (The Brutaka swords aren't half as good at this as his real wings and swords are, but bear with them...)


So, once I do acquire his mask, swords, and wings, plus some more Piraka thigh armor and Kalmah armor, I'll rebuild and finish Atrokan. But what do you think so far?


Oh, also, a poll. And I wouldn't at all mind some reviews for Quest for Lost Dreams (in the review topic, preferably), if you have some spare time... :unsure:

~ ToM


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Dude...like...that would make a sweet hahkan revamp to go along with your reidak.:P


I find it nice to have a new makuta introduced.I just hope the other nuva won't look as crazy as lewa,pohatu and kopaka.

I don't like the fact that so far all the toa teams have been transformed or that some of their members have transformed.It's becoming standard to transform or mutate inot other types of toa(all toa teams have ondergone transformations).I would like to see more matoran from mata-nui becoming toa.

I'de choose Kapura,Kopeke,Macku,Hafu,Onepu and Tamaru as a team as they we're interesting characters.

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I must say that he is rather spiffy. I like the whole feel of it. Maybe you should just buy another Hakann and Thulox. Probably pretty cheap right now. Or, there's always the web. If you don't finish this guy, I will cry :P. I really like the thighs. Very creative. But, the best part is the chest. I like it better than the ball piece Lego used. The Kraata are a very good choice.



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Wow. I really like this. Creative chest design. I like the legs, too. If it's still together could you get a picture of the back?
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'Scuse me, where can I buy this? :P


Really, I love it: he looks so spiky and formidable and Makuta-esque. I love the theme of spikes being so prevalent in th design... Excellent use of pieces. If the real sets were like this, I would buy them all. ;)



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Could I make a suggestion? I think you should try and make something completely disproportionate. You seem to have a great liking for MOCs with human-like proportions, but that is getting a bit...repetitive. Maybe it's just me being annoying, but I'd really like to see you make this Makuta revamp a lot weirder, and thus creepier. More like Nox, really. That style would fit really well with these Makuta guys, I think.


Just a friendly suggestion.



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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


I would buy this guys, seriously. I like this version much better than the actual one, and I agree about the name. I think the head (of the actual set) would look better if the spikes went backwards, not to the sides. It would be more aero-dynamic and streamlined, instead of his enormous side-burn like things he has now.
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I <3 the upper legs.


Stick some cheese slopes on the lower arms, facing towards the large 1x3 slope, 1x1 round tiles on the ends of the studded 3L axles on the upper legs, fill the back of the feet, and stick viking horns in the Piraka armor.

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claws, chest, the name (I prefer the Maori/island feel too)


Great start, I like the armor and designs. The wings are a great idea too.


(That's all I have to say now, it's late.)



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Sweet, I like the ribcage and the bulkness. It would be perfect when it is complete.


And I also prefer-esque sound names, they were more appealing than the newer sound.

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I really like what you've got so far, ToM. I agree about his name, BTW -- I can't read it without it sounding like "Aunt Rose." Maybe it's "Ahntrahz"... but still, awkward. Still sounds like a british-accent "Aunt".


About the wings, I'm torn because the first pic wings don't look flexible but the held in arms thing isn't as good as a seperate wing on the back. I don't mind handheld wings but "Makuta" to me means seperate wings on the back, ever since Ultimate Dume, heh.


With the build you've got so far in the first pic, I really wouldn't change anything except maybe some more red around the feet. :) Very inventive, and very "cool" as I define it. Much better than your redesigned Nuva IMT. :P



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I thiiiink... I think at one point... about Aeolus... it was talking about how he was in his black cave or something... you know, around that line "vasto rex Aeolus antro" or something.


But yeah, looks cool! =D


Nice hands, I wish I had those pneumatic t-shaped pieces...

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