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Bleeding From The Face

Spoony Bard


More specifically, the nose.


Ever since the beginning of the month, I been experiancing a lot of nosebleeds, which is odd since I usually have like 3 a year.


So there will be times I will have 7 a week. Sometimes 4 a day.


So yes lots of blood.


And the air isn't even that dry for me to have one.


So I am kinda worried so I will schedule an appointment with a doctor to get my head checked out for anything out of the ordinary.




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Hope you start getting better.


Aren't nosebleeds a sign of something else? I forget what though. :???:



Usually its a cancerous tumor.


Or a sinus infection.




If it's any of the above, I hope you merely have an infection.


Then again, do you live in a place at a high altitude, or recently move to a place at such an elevation? I've heard that will often cause nose bleeds...



Either way, I hope you get better.






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My brother has nosebleeds periodically. It even warranted mention in a section shirt called "Mellophobia" back in 2002.


I'll probably come back later with the term for "fear of nosebleeds".



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Aren't nosebleeds a sign of something else? I forget what though. :???:



Usually its a cancerous tumor.


Or a sinus infection.



Something other than those, I'm sure. I see it around...another website...all the time.


Curse you, failing memory!


You'll be fine though. You're too awesome, right?



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I hate nosebleeds. I get them, like, once every other month, and I hate them. I think another cause of nosebleeds is a deviated septum (I might be confusing that with something else, but I think that's another cause). I hope that the appointment goes OK. I'll keep you in my prayers.

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Do the nose bleeds occure after you've walked head first into a telephone pole? Because there might be a connection there... :sarcastic:


I used to get nosebleeds all the time at high altitudes. I always used to get sent to the nurse's office every time I had a minor one... hmm. Hope you figure out what it is. :)



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Once I kicked another student at my Karate class... In the nose... and he got a nosebleed. I feel so bad now. But I don't know much about spontaneous nose bleeds.

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Have you changed your surroudings significantly? I know when I first moved into the dorms I had a number of bloody noses simply because the school didn't change the filters as often as they did back home. So the air was dustier than I was used to.


It could also be stress. But it all depends on how you're feeling otherwise. If it's just the nosebleeds than it's a good sign (as "good" as something like that can be)

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It's probably a minor sinus infection or allergies, leaning towards the former. I get them often, and it's usually because I have such bad allergies.


Other possible causes you're hopefully not experiencing are cranial trauma, brain tumors, or high blood pressure. Hopefully the bleeds clear up soon, though ^.^




EDIT: Forgot to mention. Next time you have one, put car keys down your back and press them against it. I am not kidding, either - it worked for me. =P

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