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Not Another Halloween Entry!



Happy Halloween!


Scary image #1

Scary Image #2


What's scary is that this stuff is on Brickshelf in the first place!


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Pietrisycamollaviadelrechiotemexity - The state or condition of not having the faintest idea what's going on.


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At least Jack Stone was somewhat LEGOish. Galidor is the perfect example, however, of why Bionicle will never have action figures.

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Actually, Galidor wasn't much worse than 2001 BIONICLE, IMO. New, non-LEGO looking parts, mawesome website, completely suspenseless ending. (BIONICLE: Quick! Let's do what we normally do, but this time together! Galidor: Let's try something completely random and hope for the best! Heck, I think I like Galidor's ending better!)


The only flaws I saw were the Kek Powerizer (I'd had it up to here with cheap electronic compatibility after the Micro-Scout, and I hated Spybotics and the like) and of course the cheap quality of the costumes. *barfs*

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Hey, Jack Stone wasn't that bad of a theme for younger kids just getting into system LEGO Bricks. Don't write it completely off just cause it's not aimed at you.


Galidor... whatever, continue with your attack.



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Yeah, but Jack Stone kind of goes against one of LEGO's creativity aspects.


The way the pieces and sets are designed, it's like the only thing you can build is the set itself. No room for imagination and MOCing.


Galidor.....I agree with you there. :P



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Galidor had about .3 cool pieces. The little blue dudes staff would have been cool if you could use it in other things besides Galidor.

Hey look! I lost lunch!

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Actually, Galidor wasn't much worse than 2001 BIONICLE, IMO.

Oh you take that BACK.


Bionicle was at least still Technic/LEGO, whereas Galidor was just toys that you could "break"

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Oh you take that BACK.


Bionicle was at least still Technic/LEGO, whereas Galidor was just toys that you could "break"


I agree. Bionicle 2001 was da bomb. (My favorite year)


It was the best thing since sliced bread.



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Oh you take that BACK.


Bionicle was at least still Technic/LEGO, whereas Galidor was just toys that you could "break"


I agree. Bionicle 2001 was da bomb. (My favorite year)


It was the best thing since sliced bread.



I agree too.

Aanchir, do you have any nostalgia?


And Bundalings, you're right on one or two staffs being the only thing worth even setting eyes upon. (but is anyone really going to buy a set just for that?)

Oh, I did see a white fuzzy leg used once as alien sheep or something in a moonbase!



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Stop trying to scare the little children CF. :angry:


I think that quote is from ASOUE. :P



Not from it. Believe it or not, although Sunny used it as a verb, it is in fact a real word with the above definition.


Oh you take that BACK.


Bionicle was at least still Technic/LEGO, whereas Galidor was just toys that you could "break"


I agree. Bionicle 2001 was da bomb. (My favorite year)


It was the best thing since sliced bread.



I agree too.

Aanchir, do you have any nostalgia?


And Bundalings, you're right on one or two staffs being the only thing worth even setting eyes upon. (but is anyone really going to buy a set just for that?)

Oh, I did see a white fuzzy leg used once as alien sheep or something in a moonbase!



As what it was, Galidor was good. The LEGO aspect of it was sadly little more than a cheesy gimmick and an excuse to reuse arms and legs, but in terms of story and the overall appearance of the sets, it was rather good. And forgive me for drawing parallels, but both evoked the same feel.


Moreover, Galidor parts would have been more useful had Galidor continued for another year. True, BIONICLE was closer to traditional LEGO, but it still holds true that Toa Mata parts are near-useless on conventional LEGO MOCs. They were new. They were different. They were almost alien, and if it weren't for 2002 we would all be normal LEGO fans saying the same about BIONICLE as we say today about Galidor.


Of course, there would be fans, but they would be about as abundant as Slizer fans. In other words, forget about BZP being anywhere near as large as it is now.

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Interesting how we're talking about Galidor....

The way I see it, it had a body and five pieces attached. Now before you say that's not like Bionicle, if Galidor had continued would we get more pieces in different colors? No, but with Bionicle we had our socket-ball-joint system, that also connected with Technic in general (custom bodies using Technic). Seeing Galidor, I don't think there was much in the way of making something with a color scheme....


But the point is probably moot. There isn't much to Galidor, and even with Bionicle we had the Slizer and Roboriders to use pieces too before we really got into it. And TLG was planning on having Bionicle run a couple years...right?


Anyway, Aanchir, I guess you could like Galidor, if you did. (About time you're in the minority) But Bionicle could be integrated with Technic, so it still had something to go on.



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Interesting how we're talking about Galidor....

The way I see it, it had a body and five pieces attached. Now before you say that's not like Bionicle, if Galidor had continued would we get more pieces in different colors? No, but with Bionicle we had our socket-ball-joint system, that also connected with Technic in general (custom bodies using Technic). Seeing Galidor, I don't think there was much in the way of making something with a color scheme....


But the point is probably moot. There isn't much to Galidor, and even with Bionicle we had the Slizer and Roboriders to use pieces too before we really got into it. And TLG was planning on having Bionicle run a couple years...right?


Anyway, Aanchir, I guess you could like Galidor, if you did. (About time you're in the minority) But Bionicle could be integrated with Technic, so it still had something to go on.




There were at that point various parts that used the Galidor-style joint (and even more today, thanks to Knight's Kingdom). For example, I was able to put together an OK MOC using Galidor parts, Bahrag leg joints, and a few of these parts from Jango Fett's Slave I. As for your argument that Galidor parts wouldn't be released in new colors, some were even without the convenience of a second year of parts. This part was released in dark grey and dark red, this one in black and red, this in dark grey, light grey, and black, this in black and red, both with dark grey, this with the upper arm in both white and medium blue (light blue), this in dark red and black, this in dark red and black, this in blue and dark red, and plenty of others I don't think I'll bother naming because I already feel stupid for hunting down this many pics (I expected less, as the site whose part catalog I normally use is much less complete in the Galidor department.


You also mention that BIONICLE parts were compatible with Technic to a great extent, but I know few who used them or would use them in non-BIONICLE or Slizer MOCs. The Slizer legs were until BIONICLE the only parts I know of that contained practical pistons, and those very things which I consider an eternal staple of BIONICLE parts is one of the main things that keeps those parts from being used prominently in non-BIONICLE MOCs. Galidor, on the other hand, exists in various textures, which in turn are suited to MOCs of various themes. I seriously doubt that Galidor parts have been used to their greatest extent, but sadly I didn't get many sets when it was out. I apologise for having succumbed to the mask pack fallacy in a way, but at least you don't see me petitioning for LEGO to bring back Galidor. ;)


I see plenty of reasons not to like Galidor, but there are at the same time reasons not to like BIONICLE. As I pointed out, many AFOLs have the same opinion of BIONICLE as we have of Galidor, and chances are if BIONICLE hadn't been successful we would be among them. And, to be honest, I'm not sure Galidor did badly. I'm drawn to believe it got discontinued because the show, in its Mata Nui-forsaken time slot, wasn't able to continue, and LEGO was reluctant to eliminate the theme's main form of marketing and expect the theme to continue selling.


Let's let this rest, shall we? We'll just agree that under the circumstances, Galidor is lame. I'd be glad to be able to give up on a cause for once, as most these days tend not to go away that easily.

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Galidor, for all it's faults, is actually somewhat useful for MOCing purposes.


Tricky to use, but still useful.


The 01 sets are still way better, though, as they're the best sets Lego ever made.


Especially the Rahi. <3




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Alright, final comment in this blog about Galidor forever (that can be amended though...).


As for technic MOCing with Bionicle, I'm mainly focusing on the rod holes (both plus and round) found in the legs, bodies, feet, etc of the parts. Not only can rods be put in these, but Lego studs too.


So, how about someone with some Galidor parts (I'm thinking Ca' and Aanchir) build a MOC or two....

I guess those armor pieces might be useful, but I can't see much use for those arms. Prove me wrong.



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So, how about someone with some Galidor parts (I'm thinking Ca' and Aanchir) build a MOC or two....

I guess those armor pieces might be useful, but I can't see much use for those arms. Prove me wrong.



I've got a few Galidor parts, nothing much, but should be plenty. Maybe I'll use some on my BBCC entry. Or, more correctly, one part of my BBCC entry.




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Alright, final comment in this blog about Galidor forever (that can be amended though...).


As for technic MOCing with Bionicle, I'm mainly focusing on the rod holes (both plus and round) found in the legs, bodies, feet, etc of the parts. Not only can rods be put in these, but Lego studs too.


So, how about someone with some Galidor parts (I'm thinking Ca' and Aanchir) build a MOC or two....

I guess those armor pieces might be useful, but I can't see much use for those arms. Prove me wrong.




All I have is Gorm, sadly (Mom and Dad didn't want me to start collecting another theme at that point). I may order some parts sometime, but I'll have to be selective if I want to be sure I get parts that are useful (though in looking for those pics I did find evidence that more useful parts exist than I had anticipated).

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There were at that point various parts that used the Galidor-style joint (and even more today, thanks to Knight's Kingdom). For example, I was able to put together an OK MOC using Galidor parts, Bahrag leg joints, and a few of these parts from Jango Fett's Slave I. As for your argument that Galidor parts wouldn't be released in new colors, some were even without the convenience of a second year of parts. This part was released in dark grey and dark red, this one in black and red, this in dark grey, light grey, and black, this in black and red, both with dark grey, this with the upper arm in both white and medium blue (light blue), this in dark red and black, this in dark red and black, this in blue and dark red and grey, and plenty of others I don't think I'll bother naming because I already feel stupid for hunting down this many pics (I expected less, as the site whose part catalog I normally use is much less complete in the Galidor department.

Slight edit, shown in bold in the above quote.


Alright, final comment in this blog about Galidor forever (that can be amended though...).


As for technic MOCing with Bionicle, I'm mainly focusing on the rod holes (both plus and round) found in the legs, bodies, feet, etc of the parts. Not only can rods be put in these, but Lego studs too.


So, how about someone with some Galidor parts (I'm thinking Ca' and Aanchir) build a MOC or two....

I guess those armor pieces might be useful, but I can't see much use for those arms. Prove me wrong.



Galidor parts have a limited capability of sticking inside the round rod holes and studs could be loosely placed on, but other than that you do have a point. Hm...a MOC with Galidor parts, eh? I'd have to pull out my collection from the top shelf, but I think I might be able to do something with them. I'm not that great of a MOCer, though.

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