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Ugh, Sick.



My throat, it burns. It is really odd, I felt fine yesterday until about 9pm, when I starting to feel a tight and sore feeling in my throat. Went to bed and woke up much worse. Even a little cough gets my eyes watering and burns my throat severely. Does anybody have a good remedy for a sore throat? Perhaps some kind of medication I should take? I am like an angry bear when I am sick and I do not like angry bears, nor does anyone else!


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Aww poor you. :( Get lots of sleep and if I could, I'd cook you up some special southern meal. :P


Hot lemonade is pretty good for sore throats.

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Sounds like strep...I hate strep. I had it a cuple months ago or somethin like that. It WAS TERRIBLE. After a few days it hurt so bad to swallow my own spit I litterally went to my mom crying asking her to take me to the doctor. It was horrible. At this point I am sick myself, but with something else. I went to the doctor because I had a terrible cough, and I, being an athsmatic, meant it was all the worse. It ended up being bad enough that the doctor put me on the steroid Prednisone. It tastes HORRIBLE! I also had an ear infection. For that he gave me antibiotics. I also had a bad sinus headache. GEEZE, that's alot of sickness! So yeah, I really hope that you feel better. If it doesn't get better I would definately recommend that you go to your doctor. He will test for strep throat, and if you have it, give you a prescription for some antibiotics. If you wait to long, it could become serious. Again, hope that you feel better! Inika101

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Sounds like the symptoms I had last week. I thought it was strept too... but if you have strep you also have a fever, so that's another sign that something is wrong. I'm still not quite sure what medicines were best, but I took a ton of cough drops to ease the pain for a bit...



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Thanks for your concern all. That warm lemonade was very soothing Lady K, you are a genius. Tossed and turned all night, just could not get to sleep between the wheezing and coughing, finally got to sleep around 2 am.


I also suffer from asthma Inika 101, granted it is not as bad as when I was younger but it still is a terrible thing.

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if you're still sick (hope you aren't) here's the things that usually help me.


1. try to get cough drops with MENTHOL, not the wussy stuff

2. the spray medication (Zicam, i think) works good, but wears off if you eat, drink, or even swallow your saliva.


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