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Copyright, Copyleft, And The Art Of Copy & Paste



So I've been asked why I use the particular sign-off I do? So I'll just take this time to explain... because I can.


Well, the copyright means the post or whatever belongs to me. If you don't know about copyright, look it up: I'm not a dictionary or legal expert. I just know what I know, and that's the truth.


As is customary, the copyright year(s) will follow after the copyright symbol. If you haven't figured it out, 1984-2006 is how long I've been around; in other words, it's how long I've been copyrighted. Put simply, do the math from my birth date until the date you are reading this, and you will know how old I am.


On an unrelated note, it's five months and one day until my next birthday, so start buying those gifts now... beat the rush! I accept money, BIONICLE, and anything that can be constituted as a bribe. I gladly accept all bribes: I won't do anything because you bribe me, but I will accept the gifts... I'm twisted that way.* :P


If I have to explain the name that follows the years, someone hasn't been paying attention. Toaraga is who I am... you didn't think I was Chameleon or something, now did you?


Okay, so you've probably already figured out everything that doesn't really need an explanation, which means you're probably wondering what those three letters at the end are. Well, wonder no more; they're my initials. Okay, so that's a cop-out answer, but I'm not telling you my real name unless I know you better... or you're some sort of authority or legal figure. :D


Now about the art lesson: Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are your friends. What? I never said I was a good teacher. Next lesson: "How much is that (post) format in the window?" ^_^


*I don't really accept bribes: go ahead and try it. See just how much trouble you'll get into.


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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So yeah, I've always wondered... what's the statute of limitations like on personal copyright? At what point does the copyright pass out of the hands of one's parents and into one's own name? Because, you know, everyone winds up in Self-Copyright Court (located somewhere outside Des Moines, if I recall) defending a friend's personal copyright at some point in their life, and I'd like to be prepared. Er... not that I'm in the middle of a case, now. Like I'd do these things by the seat of my pants. Yeah. :P


Oh, and copy/paste is a beautiful combination. You will get nowhere when hosting a contest if you cannot copy/paste like greased lightning. C+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v c+v...

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Wait..so what about copyleft? :P
Oh right. Copyleft is what's left over or left out after everything else is copied. (See Think Before You Quote.)


Looking it up, apparently there is such a word. :blink:

If I understand it correctly, it means something's free to copy, provided everything stays in tact... but that's a less fun definition. :P


Could I get a map to Tufi's first statement? *Scratches head*


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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