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2008 Sets: Pars Prima



Meh. Everyone does it, but that's only expected. Everyone has an opinion and these are a major revelation, so it's natural that everyone would express their thoughts on new sets. And now, I make mine known, in a four-part blog entry series. Most people are doing two, but I think four works best for me.


Tanma (Green Matoran): Sounds more like a Ga-Matoran name to me, but whatever. I like the mask, despite its looking like a Great Huna. At least it is new, unlike previous small sets. I wonder if those eyes are edited into the picture... These new limbs look awesome. It looks like both of Tanma's limb pieces are new. The design of a socket-to-ball piece is an interesting idea, not pulled off since the Rahkshi thigh. Something I liked about the Rahkshi thigh that isn't present here is that the socket is stuck, not an addable piece. Ah well, it's cool and at least there are + and O holes. Looks like we're taking a break off of the viking horn holes this year. I haven't seen the Toa Mata food since...oh yeah, Matoro Mahri. I noticed something different about the hand pieces. They don't have the see-through parts on the long side of the socket showing the + holes as previous sockets have. They are covered, perhaps to add sturdiness? Can't see much of the bodies, but it appears to be a 1-or-2 piece body.


Solek (white): This mask is flat an awkward, IMO. Another new arm piece in this set with an interesting mechanical look, and what might appear to be a new weapon (I dunno, it might be from a Mahri, I'm not all caught up). I can't tell if those leg pieces are the same as Tanma (Green)'s or not. They may be new. I think I see a slight difference in where the shoulder ball joints are on this one, but I can't really tell with these pictures.


Photok (Brorange): This mask just looks stone Matoran material. The shape is great. A similar body to the others here, but I think the shoulders are somehow broader. I dunno, it's probably angle; we'll find out more later. There arm pieces are the best non-bendables yet. They're half 7-length double socket (with the three O holes in the middle) and half Hordika leg. Wonderful. You can see here the rounded ends on the horizontal + holes (those not holding weapons) on the socket piece, like those on the + hole-to-socket pieces. Not like the square edges seen before. Not going to comment on the Chronicler's staff weapons. The legs are Tanma's arms in a new color, a piece that could prove to be quite interesting. I love the orange Mata feet.




Now, note that I think people have positive reactions to these more than to the Nuva because these are not existing characters. If these sets had been Tamaru, Kopeke, and Hafu, people would have probably disliked them, complaining about how they don't look "in character" and about the color change. The point is that people aren't used to seeing these characters represented in this way, and so they get more positive comments. But people also want to see the Nuva return. The choice is hard for Lego, and I think they've done what they could to satisfy.


Looks like 4-5 of those limb pieces that are new. Almost 100% new pieces. I don't know how Lego is going to afford that without these being rediculously high priced. Like, higher than the Toa Metru. Or at least Toa Mata price (which we've had before with much less new pieces than this). I certainly hope they aren't using cheaper plastics.


It also seems that Lego is making battle-play more possibly at all points of the year this time, instead of starting out with 6 canister villains and 4-6 small good guys. This will make battlers happy, I should think. And it also marks the return of villain small sets, which I'll be reviewing in the next installment.


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I don't know about your comment about people liking them more than the new Nuva. I like the Nuva better as Nuva than sets because they're so in character. And I dislike the Matoran-- those arms and legs scare me.


EDIT: I am, of course, able to judge the Nuva better than the Matoran because I know their pieces-- I may grow to like the Matoran. Though, in my opinion, a leg that is one piece and has pistons should have practical pistons.

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