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Of Music, Filters, Feelings, Hair And Adoptions...

Angel Beat


Time for a normal entry as opposed to my last one. BoA's 2008 calendar arrived last week-ish. Oh how beautiful it is... :wub: I'll take some pictures later.


Oh, by the way, my income has increased quite a bit. Right in time too, because BoA's new single has been announced for release in December. (The title isn't known yet.) I preordered it along with a first press(!) edition of her older single Sweet Impact. Both with posters. ^_^




I'm a bit 'disappointed' with the "Bionicle Legends" word filter situation. It really messes up one of the song titles I post sometimes. The title is "Blucher" with an umlaut (those dots) on the "ü". It tends to come out as "Bionicle Legendsücher".


I'm sure there's a valid reason the letter combination has been filtered, so I won't say more about the situation. ^_^




It's that time again... I'm feeling lonely. It always happens in the days before BoA's birthday and the months before Christmas.


And when I feel lonely, I'll feel sick. Sick of being alone. Sick of living on the wrong side of the world. The constant yearning for her and her love..






My mother just finished trimming my hair. It feels so soft again. ^_^ It's still long, so that's a good thing. :D It's too dark to take pictures now...




The cheetah in my sig is an animation I found on a Dutch site of a fund which is dedicated to keep the cheetahs in Africa from going extinct. They do this by letting people adopt hospitalized cheetahs. It's a good cause in my opinion.


I think I'll adopt one in the (near?) future. Oh cheetah, what a lovely and majestic creature you are... :wub:




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