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Ew Glossary Of Wierd Teminology




Strangness and differenciation lies ahead! Tread forward at your own risk!


This is a blog entry that contains definitions and such of words that I use in my conversations here in BZP. Some defins are unorthodox and you may think of them as complete lies or opinions, but according to the EW School of Logic they are perfectly rational. :)

In no particular order...

Logic: n; A fluffy yet discriptive word do describe the nonexistant correctness of anything. Although what it defines does not exist, this word remains popular among those who claim to study it (bonesiii).

Duct Tape: n; That sticky silver stuff that I use to fix bonesy when I "accidentaly" break him *cough*.

Respect: n; Anything that I use in my philosophies and claim to use alot, despite the fact that that is a lie.

Bionicle: n; Anything I bloody well say it is (in my opinion...).

Forums: n; A community of spammers who jibjab about anything that does not pertain to discussion or has any seriousness and incorperates at least one board message per five minute time lap.

Gender Confusedness: adj; Any movement ordained by EmpressWhenua that has anything to do with changing one's gender to confuse and/or another sentinent.

Bonesiii: unknown; An otherwise intelligent being that in entirely composed of bones. Commonly gets neural breakdowns.

Lady Kopaka: n; A Kopaka fangirl.

Kopaka Nuva Nuva: da; 1. The name given to Kopaka Nuva Phantoka by bonesy. 2. Kopaka Nuva who has drunk a Red Bull.

Pohatu Nuva Nuva: da; 1. The name given to Kopaka Nuva Phantoka by bonesy. 2. Pohatu Nuva wearing a Vahi without the -hi.

Adventurer: n; a Dilbert enthusiast and a BZPower member who is a convicted spammer.

AvohkiiLight: MAN: n; Claims to be manly despite his very squeaky roar.

Omicron: n; An Ancient Greek letter (present day English O). Came after Alpha and before Omega.

Board Messages: n; An action made by Evil Lord Survurlode to sabotage BZP.

Premier Members: n; Any BZPower member who has bribed Jon Reddick with real money to get two proto boosts and the ability to blog, among other things.

And that is all for tonight. ;)



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You forgot something:


Sanity n; Something absent from the vast Majority of BZPower members. Example: "Gaku, sanity has never been a lasting fad on BZPower! :P"





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How about "cool dude" ? That would be a good thing to put on there.




*Runs for cover before Adventurer figures out what I said*

*Hisses as forked tongue comes out of revolving head*


I knew what it means :P

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