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Out Of The Woods, Yes, But Into The Shrubbery

Queen of Noise


I plan to lapse into preordained subconsciousness (known to the general populace as "hitting the sack") shortly, so allow me to offer my humble apologies is this seems sub-par in quality, or lacks some kind of flair. I had to rise early today, and I will have to awaken even earlier tomorrow. These kinds of things take their toll on the lazy cerebellum.


What I wanted to make note about here was tonight's episode of "Stargate: Atlantis." This is the only television show I regularly watch (unless you count the news, of which I watch several different forms on various stations; I like to stay informed you know). Throughout this week I had been anticipating this episode's premiere, which would hopefully resolve a story arc that had its roots before the season gap. The episode surprisingly started out slowly but culminated in a rollicking, shocking conclusion. My goodness I love this show.


The episode wasn't an amazingly great one compared to some other classics in this still-new program. However, I suspect this episode will be prominently remembered for some time to come due to its unprecedented finale. Usually in television programs, questions of ethics, morality, the value of human life, and the definition of an enemy are not resolved in a split-second decision. Contrarily to reality, television characters generally seem to find time to ponder over these troubling issues, and if the decision is made speedily, it falls into the less morally risky choice, even if danger will follow because of it.


Kudos to the writers for Atlantis doing the unexpected. In this episode, the SGA crew found themselves in an ethical emergency like described above, and Major Sheppard made the split-second decision, aware of the potential ramifications, to serve what he believed is the greater good. Roughly 100 people--people who may have been enemies and may have not been--were killed to eradicate a large group of wraith that could have brought about an invasion of the Earth.


I cannot judge whether his decision was the correct one or not, but it was refreshing to see something different for once. I love this show.

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I am not familiar with Stargate, and no matter, but I genuflect before your self-control. I should have gone to sleep hours ago, but it's 4 AM and I am getting up in 5 hours.

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