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All Hallows' Eve

ToM Dracone


"Who? Who is but the form, following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask."


Halloween is tomorrow. I can't wait, though October has gone by way too fast – there's a variety of stuff I had wanted to do, including just enjoy the month before Halloween, but huge amounts of schoolwork have prevented my doing much other than that. Including working on QfLD, two short story ideas, that comic thing I mentioned – creative stuff, really, for which my inspiration and time have been leeched. Thankfully, the workload let up last week (as I mentioned last entry), so I was able to devote my attention to Lewa Nuva, who has since been completed...


Not that I'm going to have much time tomorrow – driver's ed first (on Halloween! bleh!), then I'm going trick-or-treating with Brook, Leigh Ann, and possibly Lowell, Jenn, and Kate (not Katie), whose attendance has not yet been determined. We tried to persuade Youri to come, but to no avail.


As you might have guessed from the quote, I'm going as V. :evilgrin: Now that I have contacts, I can actually wear a mask to school properly... I love going to school in a cape. Even if I don't have the proper accompanying hat, and it's hard to recite his introduction speech (which I have memorized) through the mask...


"... Are you like a crazy person?"

"I am quite sure they will say so."

~ ToM


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