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The #1 Blog Topic Of Today: Halloween



Happy Halloween to those who celebrate.


I personally don't celebrate halloween, for various reasons, but it's not like I think halloween is evil like some people do.


Instead my family & church celebrates the "Reformation" Where Martin Luther stuck the ninety-five thesus on the door of the catholic church.


Yup--cool stuff.




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We seem to run into each other a lot Andrew. :P


I think the reason why is because Halloween...is just walking around getting candy. :P Some families don't do that because of low interest in...getting candy, I guess. :P

Lol, Reformation Day is what today is REALLY all about. B) Nail those protests Luther! Write those predestination documents Calvin! Churn out those books Lewis! Heh, I'm getting carried away. :P


But yeah, happy Reformation Day. =P


Halloween actually has its roots in paganism: it was said that spirits of the dead rose from their graves and sought out bodies to possess on "All Hallows Eve"(Halloween). To protect themselves from this people would wear costumes and walk around their "neighborhoods." I'm not making that up, by the way, that's where it comes from.



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Well Christmas has roots in other things too, winter solstice or whatevah...


Halloween isn't about getting candy, its about hanging out with friends and watching scary movies.

I ended up with no candy this year...


So anyhow, I guess you guys just don't celebrate it just cause or whatever?

There's many holidays that I could just care less about, so I understand.

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Luki, while what you said is true, I have a bit more to add.


Andrew, It's not that my family doesn't like halloween, not that at all, infact, Tek & I used to go when we were younger, but my Dad is in a high up position, where it could easily offend someone we know if we went trick-or-treating because some people think it is "Evil" and some people do do "Evil" things on halloween, but trick-or-treating isn't bad.


Basically, it's the Weaker brother thing. (If you know what I mean, I'm sure Lukos does) If your brother is offended by it, give it up, and just don't do it. Why should we do things when it will make other people feel bad?


Besides, Reformation day & Halloween are the same day (Duh) And it's the Day where Luther actually started comparing truths from the Bible to the "Doctrine" of the Catholic church, and he realized that some of the things the catholic church was doing at that time (Not saying they still do) were wrong (Indulgences were scams for example) and He began to start showing Freedom saying he had a right to believe what He wished, and that he didn't have to believe the things other people did.


That is the big thing on Oct.31st to me. Celebrate the freedom!



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Luki, while what you said is true, I have a bit more to add.


Andrew, It's not that my family doesn't like halloween, not that at all, infact, Tek & I used to go when we were younger, but my Dad is in a high up position, where it could easily offend someone we know if we went trick-or-treating because some people think it is "Evil" and some people do do "Evil" things on halloween, but trick-or-treating isn't bad.


Basically, it's the Weaker brother thing. (If you know what I mean, I'm sure Lukos does) If your brother is offended by it, give it up, and just don't do it. Why should we do things when it will make other people feel bad?


Besides, Reformation day & Halloween are the same day (Duh) And it's the Day where Luther actually started comparing truths from the Bible to the "Doctrine" of the Catholic church, and he realized that some of the things the catholic church was doing at that time (Not saying they still do) were wrong (Indulgences were scams for example) and He began to start showing Freedom saying he had a right to believe what He wished, and that he didn't have to believe the things other people did.


That is the big thing on Oct.31st to me. Celebrate the freedom!




I knew you probably had better reasons than what I said, but that was the best I could guess at you know. :P


Yeah, I know what you mean and agree with you sort of...at least if you're going to do something that offends someone else(like playing cards, even if you're not gambling, offends some people) then don't do it in front of them. :P Maybe not necessarily stopping entirely but not doing it openly.


Actually, there are still indulgences: seems like everybody's indulging themselves in candy on Halloween. =P

Okay, that was really a dumb joke. =P




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If someone was offended by playing cards I would totally play them in their face. Unless they had a good reason like their throat was cut with one or something.


But that's just me. :P

(Reminds me, I keep forgetting my cards in my math teachers room <_< we all finish our work like half an hour early but he wont let us play cards)

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Andrew, the problem with that is it's just in-considerate. Life isn't about us. We shouldn't do things just to be mean to other people :P


It's just cruel, and not right.


There are other reasons, but due to "Religion Rules" I can't say anything.



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