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Karzahni Contest Voting: Round One Discussion

Grey Snow


Well, round one is about to begin, on the third to be exact, but I wanted this up already. The entries will be posted shortly.


Let voing begin.


Prize: First prize picture will be put in my blog, as a single image, I won't put it in a grouping, like what I have on the sides, so I'll recognize the winner here, and all winners in later contests.







Scorpion Kings




Elemental Rahaga's


More to come, maybe.


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I'm entering mine soon, and I hope you'll like it. Well actually I'm entering today, but when I get to my auntys place.

Does anyone know what hahli inikas mask is called? :onfire: Young Turaga :onfire:

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Kanohi Elda ;)


And you might wanna make thumbnails for the pics.


And maybe just push the due date till tomorrow, and then make a seperate blog for the actual voting.

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Maybe a touch more organization for the next contest will be needed ;)


1. Create one entry/discussion blog for it, with the due date and everything.

2. Set a date. No wiggle room, just set a date, and if people don't get it in by that date, their loss.

3. Once the date comes, lock the first blog, create another blog for voting.

4. If necessary, depending on the number of contestants, create multiple rounds of voting, and set a date for each round to begin and end. Lock each blog entry and create a new one as each date goes by.

5. Well... I can do thumbnails if ye want X3

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Here's what I think of the entries. Of course I'm inclined to like mine, and thanks Dorek for voting for me! Elemental Rahaga's got my vote, as the MOC and the Matoran MOCs are awesome! Scorpion King's was really cool, especially his Matoran, although I didn't think the mask or color portrayed Karzahni. Brickeen's was pretty good, although it lacked originality. And Yoshirock's pic was blurry, so I couldn't tell whether it was good or not.



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