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Pity Entry



Leave a comment and I'll offer you fake sympathy for whatever is troubling you.


*folds arms and frowns face into compassionate, thinking manner*




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People constantly try to pity me. I do not understand why. I hope asking for pity will cure this condition (or maybe using bad grammar would help).

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It's ok, Lehatu, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Ducky O'Dalek, everything will be alright.


It's ok, D.Q., everything will be alright.


It's ok, Biomech, everything will be alright.


It's ok, MercenaryXero, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Mace Whenua, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Omicron, everything will be alright.


It's ok, MatoranBuilder, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Dr. Wonko, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Zonis, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Phyoohrii, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Bionicle Dragon, everything will be alright.


It's ok, Strazz: RuroKen Fanatic, everything will be alright.


I feel for all of you. :(


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But my boil... it's so big... wait a minute... IT'S SPEAKING! It says it wants to destroy the world with nuclear power! Save me! I live at --gaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkk--


MB has spoken

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