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Report Overload

Schizo Kaita


I didn't open my mailbox for a week, and now I've got 140 reports... I'd hate to think what Globals and Admins get were they to do that... :blink:


Of course, I must thank everyone who took the short time it takes to report something. We really appreciate the effort. :)


And to the perpetrators, here's a little acronym for you: RTFR. Read The Freaking Rules. Really. >_< I like to think of myself as a patient man, but only today I've taken PE twice, whereas I usually only have to do it once in every two or three weeks.


You should know that for every reported post, there's an average of two extra posts in a thread that need to go as well. Sure, there are a lot of dupe reports, which I don't mind, but it still means that one reported post is actually three times as much work. Thank Bink that the new software allows for bulk moderation. Time-saver to the max.


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Fortunately, in the case of Globals, we just get the reports for our specific forums, too. Everywhere else, we have to hunt down the bad stuff by ourselves. Or just get random FAs to point us to it. That works too.


In my case, though, that's still reports from GD and BBC... :wacko:


And bulk moderation is a thing of beauty indeed. :D

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