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Possible Name



I've figured out a possible name for myself on BZPower:




Anyone know what it's from? If you do, I'm open to any other name suggestions from that source. Also, I'd like some feedback about that possible name.


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You wouldn't believe how many people have already told me that. I promise that whatever name I pick will have capitols in it. :D Or is that capitals? :P

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Why am I thinking of the word silver?

Because when Argetlam is translated to English, it comes out as "Silver Hand". :P


Argetlam is from Eragon, right?

Correct! Such a great book series. By the way, if you've read the books Eragon and Eldest, I have news for you. The trilogy is no longer going to be a trilogy... It's actually going to contain 4 books!

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Yeah, I heard about that; I don't particularly like the idea, but whatever Paolini (I know I must have misspelled the somehow) wants to do. Eldest was paced slowly enough for me.
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He had said in an interview that the next books would be much faster, and you're right, Eldest was pretty slow in the beginning.

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