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A Couple Updates...



Yeah, been a little since I updated my bloggy-loggy... Meh. Life known not the rules of Respectism.


Essays- I guess I should explain why my essays are not here yet. The conservationalism essay, Dams: The Solid Block, is in fact finished, but the thing is that it is already in paper and there is no file in either computer to transfer and/or use. So, that would mean that I need to copy it, but my momk is the only one who can do it effectively (she was once the fastest typist in all of Mexico, belive it or not). As for the upcoming Respectism essay, yes, it is indeed finilly getting done. I got to work on her again just yesterday and hope to have it complete by friday, if all goes well. *sigh* Bones-- just how do you do it? I am just a mortal with a numb brain, I guess. :P


But no, I have not stopped working on it. Also, I must make a PowerPoint presentation about Respectism and its de facto superiority to many other societal doctrines. Am I claiming too much? No. Find out more in the next essay.



Life- My dad is going to get an evaluation by a senior care specialist to find a suitable place for him to be sent to, at least for a while. It has become to bloody tormenting to me that even my code of ethics is only narrowly saving me from making a fatal swipe with my cane to the temple that could easily knock Dad unconcious for hours. Sometimes I just feel like hitting him or worse. I am a teenager, for crying out loud! And yet I must leve 24/7 with a demented father who is hoplessly crazy and authoritarian to the point of tyrrany. So, I am glad he will be sent away for a while. The master bedroom reeks, the sofa stained, the house in need of repair and our budget being cut very much because of the doctor visits he must have. At least we will get a break and a chance to clean this mess up.


But for real-- I keep the lone working gun, a small .25 snub barrel pistol, secretly stashed in my office drawer, in case things get too bad. *sigh* Even with my optimism, I have to wonder why sometimes.



My school is dropping with the family problems, too. I will be able to catch up on it when Dad is sent away, hopefully. But still, French class is killing me. Spanish class is as boring as BZP on a midnight and English has book reports coming up, like a fully-fledged pre-collegian report on the entire book of Silas Marner. *sigh*



Scouting- I am slowly receding from the Boy Scouts, and despite the fact that I will no longer be at events like the Vets Day Parade of the Scouting for Food Drive, the service projects of the OA, I will still be in my troop as a leader and as a high-adventure nutcase. :-D Really, I will sleep in a tent in 0 degrees, hike 50 miles of the Umpqua Trail, and canoe down the Rouge River but I will not go to the community service events. After all, I went to Scouting for the adventure, anyways. :P



Other- Chhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppuuuuuuuuuuufffffffssssssssssssssss!




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Just a suggestion, You might want to remove the thing about the weapon; if what you're saying is right, then it wouldn't be the best thing ever if it gets discovered, even if it is legal.

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Essay are no fun. Scout outings are fun, and if you can find the right service projects, those are cool too, because they're something to put on your resume to make you look really good. You just need to find the right ones with your friends.


50 Mile Hikes FTW!



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Essays are Professorahks'/Teacherahks' ways to torture us. Or rather, attaching rediculous deadlines to them and other nonsensical rules is. My giant history research project has this lovely rule attached, for example:


"Any paper not using proper citations based on Chicago will recieve 0 points."


Yet they call it a "History Methods" class. :rolleyes: Why not be honest and call it a "Chicago Manual of Style Torture" class? The best history paper in the class could get zero while another could get an A and be horrible. Yeesh.

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Didn't know you had any essays. Well, good luck. :)


Fastest typer in Mexico? Wow. Impressive. Must be nice, being able to dictate to her what you want typed... :P


Hope that they find that the fact he is, in your own words, hopelessly crazy, is medically caused, and can treat him for it.


A quick word I hope you take to heart, only use the pistol as a last resort if he has a weapon and is about to or has lethally harmed someone, and remember, your Katana does have a blunt side.

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Gaku- It is perfectly legal. I have the legal ability to use and conceal a firearm within our property boundaries. It is if I take it beyond our gate that I would be in trouble. But it is only meant for any lethal needs, such as the unsuspecting burglar or such. And if my dad goes bezerk, the first aim of mine is a swipe with my cane at the temple, or otherwise restrain him (which I have had to do before). The gun would be meant more as a scare tactic for my dad, as I have horrible aim with the weapon and anything I try at the legs has a possibility of going through the chest. Thus, you can see my cautions. But so far, it has not been recealed, not has it been used. I hope I never have to, though...



xccj- Yuppers! Essays I hate, but there are those which I enjoy. But A Beca Academy (my schooling headquarters which releses all my books, DVDs, etc) makes me do essays about some of the most rediculous subjects. I once wrote a paper on tennis balls, just because that is what they required, despite the fact that I know nothing about those balls! Plus, whenever they say "do a one-paragraph essay on ____" I end up making two/three pages of the subject. More a habit, I suppose, as I can just catch the whiff and write complete, introspective and detailed articles (and I normally get political in them, too... *sigh*). Ah, well, that is life. Students are slaves to their teachers.


But a for Scouting, I will still be there for the Eagle projects and such, not to mention my own coming up soon. ^_^ I will be there for the troop, and I have absolutely no intentions of leaving it entirely at all, as it was meant to replace the activities I lack with my father... I remember when I was a mere 12 years of age and went with the big boys on the first 50 Miler. Everyone was stunned as I came out as the bridge five days later, smiling the whole way. The most I had ever done bofore that was a 5-7 m ile hike, and all the leaders were not optimistic about my coming along. But, well, I made it and surprised them all (I was tired as an old bull and as weak as a bambi, but I made it... *whoo*). I would give sooo much for another hike like that, but with the troop's elders leaving after the get the Eagle project done and the leaders tied up, we may not have one anymore.


Plus, nobody wanted a winter snowtime 50 Miler... :P



Bonsy- I shall now use your very own tool: lol. :P



Neccy- A katana may have a blunt side, but the prospect of having metal strike the temple would likely open a gash at the artery, and thus it would be no better than the gun. ;) U use my canes as a sparring weapon and for non-lethal defence, not a katana.


I guess I am just too critical of strategy and too cautious for lethality. -_-



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