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Life Is Crumbling Down Around Me....



Ah lets see, where to start.


First of all, we are facing a lawsuit against us regarding the property we sold about a year ago. While the deal was in its final phase, there was a big windstorm here and a large limb fell onto our old house, which prompted the buyer to get his high priced lawyers and sue us for about 30,000 dollars. We cannot afford legal and lawyer fees so naturally we lost the case. This morning we were greeted at the door by real estate counsel, telling us to take out a life insurance policy on our elderly grandmother on this side of the family, to ensure payment or the house will be forclosed.


On top of that, things between me and my girlfriend hit a new low last night. It has become apparent to me over the last few months since I returned from my grandmothers funeral that our love has gone stale. I compliment her, shower her with expensive gifts, write her letters asking her why she does not seem to love me any more. Day after day I go to work and my heart aches, most days I am a nervous wreck, she could care less though, never wants to talk about things or make them better. Funny, as soon as I told her I am going to leave (what choice do I have really given our housing situation) all the hate I knew she had for me started coming out then. I am upset and angry also, but I never flat out told her I hate her and other choice explitives she used, I still love her very much. She is laying a huge guilt trip on me about our daughter, why I do not know as I plan on being close by her side until she is old enough to support herself.


So anyway, Im starting to pack up my things now, most of my video games and LEGO Bricks will be staying, I cannot pack a whole lot with me so I am going to give them to my daughter to enjoy. Sadly this may mean the end of my MoCing career for awhile. Ill still be active when I can here but there might be a time that I am gone for an extended period of time. This has been an extremely difficult year for me, but hey the saying goes that which does not kill makes you stronger right?


Recommended Comments

Czar, it sounds like you are experiencing something that a dear frind of mine had gone through. I will give some words of advice to you.


Always look ahead, but don't forget to look behind. THe mistakes and actions of the past are what we all learn from, and when the lesson is truly learned, that is what makes us all better people. Going through hardship is a really tough thing, and you wll find who your True Friends really are. Those who stand with you through the thick and heavy are the people who really care about you.

As far as your daughter, you do everything you possibly can for that girl. Show her that you love her unconditionally, and that you would never bail on her. She should always be able to go to her father in times of need. It's something I didn't have growing up.

Even though things have gone sour over time, don't be vengeful of actions taken, but rather forgive them for not being able to understand. It will help you feel at peace.

As far as the monetary legal trouble, it will all work out in the end. Just work hard, and it will all be ok. It's just money after all....


From a friend to a friend. Czar, if you ever need to talk to someone, I have open ears. :)

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