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My Weekend In Indy



(Reposted from a several-day-old PM)



I went to my dad's place in Cambridge Friday night, and it was GREAT! We had a fun time there, and then Saturday morning, we flew out to Detroit, where we met up with my dad's friend and his son, for a connecting flight to Indianapolis, and we checked in at the hotel (Which was HUGE), and then we wandered around having a great time! Man... It felt like we spent three days instead of just half of Saturday in Indianapolis. I loved it... It made me feel good, it was like so many of the experiences I'm nostalgic for... Also, the Patriots have now won nine games, and lost none. It was a nailbiter of a game against the Colts, like one of those horror movies where the character you're rooting for keeps skirting death, but miraculously comes out on top in the end. And we flew home today. Man, I'm exhausted, but I still feel awesome.


(now for new content)


That was on Monday, people. Boston is such a pretty place at night, with all the water and lights... Indianapolis is like one big adventure, too.


I went on a field trip to Fenway Park today! It was pretty neat, I'll tell you that. After that, since nobody had eaten since whenever in the morning, our bus (two homerooms per bus, and there are four homerooms on our team) stopped at McDonalds, while the other stopped at a Wendy's. But, Fenway is still pretty cool. WOO! And I have a day off on Monday, a field trip to the Museum of Science on Tuesday, and the class is just gonna be watching movies on Wednesday! YEEEHA!

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