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Daww Nuts



Did you ever, after such a long period of time spent worrying and being indecisive, go forward with trying something new, and start trying to get used to it, and start making friends, and find your footing?



And then, did you feel like you'd found such a wonderful new thing, that it was so incredible, so fun, so engrossing, that you loved it with all your heart?



And did you want to be doing this forever, and to be a part of it, no matter what, because it was so fantastic and you had met so many nice people who you felt you could really relate to and talk to through it?



And did you think about it in all your spare time, buoyed by your sheer awe at it, by how much you loved it?



And did you really feel like you were getting into your groove so soon after you started, and that things were going great?



And then, just as you felt you had found your footing, did it start to come crashing down by the whim of some outside force?


And then, did you feel so confused at what was happening?


And then, did you go to bed, thinking nothing of it in total, just chalking it up to the normal humdrum of life?



And then, did you wake up, and did you find out everything had changed, had changed so terribly, that you were quaking on the inside, and you felt sheer terror and anger, and you felt even worse when you saw so many people taking sides and fighting, and did you realize it was just speeding up the worsening of it all?


And did you struggle to keep yourself calm as you watched it progressively get worse?


Did you ever watch something you loved die a horrible death?



I'm not talking about BZP, no. Not at all, I promise you. Something else. Something else, trust me on this, all you people who I could swear read it just to report me.



On the bright side, I got me some new comics!


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