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Intellectual Property: Know Thy Gender



Intellectual Property - the laws of copyright and moral rights - should never be taken lightly. My 'Business of Music' lecturer made sure we knew that - by giving us our toughest assignment yet.


He made everyone in Never-Ever Land downright criminals, stealing the melody motif (Mi Re Do) of 'Three Blind Mice'. It somehow got so twisted that at least 3 songs have been produced out of it: 'Gold From Straws', 'Gold-i-locks', 'Climb These Locks', and all the planned cover versions of those songs, re-arrangements and reproduction.


It gave us all a headache. It's due in two days, and I am way under the word limit. I am frightened - but am going to throw in as much as I know. And I thought I was going to overwrite.


It so happened that I was working on the assignment in my Videography Club's club room when the next door neighbour, the Japanese Cultural Club president, walked in to chat with our president and present team mates. I was quiet, listening to the conversation.


"How was the MST (Mid Semester Tests)?"


"Just got the club letter box keys?"


"Spam mail is annoying, isn't it?"


I replied, "Yes, it is."


The JCC president took a flying leap backwards.



"I thought you were a guy!!"



I got so distracted by the laughter and commotion afterwards that I couldn't work on my assignment anymore.


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