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Argh! My Eyes!





Well recently, I've had some eye problems. Not so much problems with focusing as with something called "floaters". The best way to describe my problem is that I see sort of grey spots "floating around" for some odd reason. The worst thing about them is that you can't fix the problem with glasses, so I have to see a doctor about a way to get rid of them that probably includes some sort of medication, or something.


Oh, and theres that light thingy the doc is going to shine into my eyes that hurts like you-don't-want-to-know-where to examine them. Hopefully I won't do something incredibly stupid and get myself blinded.


Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm also experiencing some difficulty focusing... sort of. It kinda hurts for me to focus at something a long distance away, so I'm getting that checked out as well.


And on the subject of my eyes, it's like they're changing from the turquoise-ish color they're in to a sort of brownish color from the inside out. In other words, they're brown around the pupils, but are still mostly turquoise in the... whatever the colored part is called iris. It's weird.




Away form the subject of my eye problems, I'm also trying to think of a decent colorscheme for my self character. The last one I used looked horrible, not so much because of the colors as because of the placement thereof. I'm trying to think of a better one, but I just can't get it nailed down. It's bloody frustrating, and it's been going on since '01.


Other than that, I've been feeling tired and horrible this week. It's like when I wake up I'm all ready to go and take on the world, then I feel tired all of a sudden, sometimes to the point that I nearly fall asleep in the middle of something. It doesn't make any sense.



Oh, and I've also thought of a new signoff. What do y'all think?





Edit: I Just came back from the doctor. He says my problem is eyestrain, so I'm going to get reading glasses by the end of this week. Personally, I think the frames I chose look rather spiffy, though mom disagrees...


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