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Glasses =|



I went with mom today to get my reading glasses... I can see better on the computer now. Kinda.


Basically, the glasses aren't so much for having difficulty focusing, as for preventing eyestrain. And really, staring at small, usually strange text on a glowing, stupefying piece of machinery for hours on end puts quite a bit of a strain on my eyes, so hopefully my glasses will help make it easier for me to see what folks are writing now, especially in all those odd fonts and barely visible colors.


I'm kind of new to glasses though, so it's going to take a while for me to get used to them, for example the annoying reflection from everything, this pointless "anti scratch" stuff on it that makes everything dark, how it hurts my nose,and how bloody easily they get smudges on them. It's all very frustrating. And let's not forget that mom says I'm going to have to wear them on the computer and whatnot "whether I like them or not", despite it being HER idea.


Don't get me wrong, my eyes don't hurt as much when I'm on the computer, and reading and so on, everything is alot clearer now even(when it's close up, that is). It's just the annoying glare and all that stuff that makes me want to tear the thing off my face and smash it into the ground in frustration. And just how long is it going to be until I "stop noticing" the vague reflection of my eyes in my lenses?


Other than that, I can see better than before at the computer, it's just all these minor problems with the glasses that make me give them a second thought...



Oh, and I'd like to thank all the folks who stopped me from changing my screename to something utterly lame. I appreciate your help.







Edit: Here's a work in progress of mine that I've been working on recently. Not that any of you actually care about me...


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Hi, Gakurak -- I just found your blog; read this entry, been skimming some others. You've got a lot of quality entries here; they deserve a lot more replies than they've gotten. :) (I may disagree with some of your points, lol, but that's beside the point.)

This entry was fascinating to me. I'm a brother of two siblings, one of whom wears glasses (not just for the computer; for vision in general), and another who has recently had eye trouble, and my mom wears glasses too. Yet I have always had perfect vision, and I've always wondered -- what is it like, exactly?

Your entry was written casually, but it was some of the best writing I've ever read (and I spend a lot of time lately in college workshops with quality writing from other students). You really showed what it is like, and I could almost imagine myself in your shoes. Are you into writing? If not, you should be, man. Good job.

Sorry I've got no advice on the glasses though. :P
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It takes a little time before a person gets used to glasses. Simply just wait, forget about the glares and all those other things and you'll get used to them. :)


And it was a good move keeping your name the way it is.

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Thanks, Bonesiii.


It's not so much a problem with focusing in general as it is that focusing after a while without them hurts a bit. What they do is take the strain off my eyes, so it's not that I can't focus at up close stuff, as it is that it hurts, especially after a while. I'd probably get my eyes messed up even worse over time if I didn't get glasses.


They're very low powered lenses, but they make quite a difference after a while. And I'm not supposed to wear them all the time either; only when I'm reading and drawing and whatnot.



It takes a little time before a person gets used to glasses. Simply just wait, forget about the glares and all those other things and you'll get used to them. :)




Why didn't mom tell me this?


Anyway, thanks. Though it's till kinda distracting with the nose thingies...





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