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No Bbcc, No Bzp



Yeah, no BBCC for me. No ideas. No interest.


...no more BZP. Yeah, I'm practically leaving. I may or may not come back. I'll be behind the scenes though. And I'll still write my Epic (still waitin' for you PM Kopakalaka ;) ). And I'll reply to PMs (like I ever get any).

Now, it's not that I have no interest in Bionicle, no, in fact my interest has been boosted by the 2008 sets.

I just have no interest in BZP. And the rules have been getting...odd lately. And I have no time. And MOCing isn't that interesting anymore (but buying sets is! :P ).

Anyway, it's not that I've grown out of Bionicle or LEGO, it's just that I don't really like BZPower anymore. Sure, there are some great people on here (Turakii, Macku: Toa of Bubbles, Traku, Bundalings, Kopakalaka, Seran, Roa McToa, etc...), but it's just that BZPower is going in a direction that I'm not really fond of. And I think that a year and a half of the same thing is getting quite boring.


Anyways, there's more that I wanted to say, but I can't because I have no time.

Look for my Epic, if you care to.

Don't look for me to renew my Premier Membership.

Don't look for MOCs. (They weren't that good anyway, just a bunch of the same)

I just don't care for BZP anymore.


Send me a PM Kopakalaka. :P


Meh, I may explain this further some other time when I have more time.

S to the Z


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He...he... Sorry, I forgot... Let's make a deal. You post in my BBCC Topic, and I'll post your pics :P. Nah, you don't have to, but I still will take the pics today, and I'll send you linkies when I'm finished uploading them. Sorry again...


Don't say stuff like that *Slaps face*. But seriously, don't sell yourself short, -SZ-. I'd say you were definitely one of the top twenty MOCists here on BZP. We'll all miss your... um... youness! I'll look for your epic. You have to send me a link when it's up; I don't go in that forum much. That reminds me, I need to post that short story....


Fare thee well, Non-Flawsome one. VOTE FOR ME:P Secret messages FTW!



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