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First Entry



Hi, folks! GM here, with her first ever blog! Seriously, this is my first blog ever. I have never had a blog in my life before, on BZPower or anywhere else in cyberspace. So if my blog doesn’t sound at all bloglike, than you’ll know that it’s because I have no experience in the matter, whatsoever!




I’ll start with explaining a little about myself, I think. My current occupation is book-collecting. If you were to see pictures of my room, you would probably be struck dumb at the quantity of books that I possess. There are books on my desk, books on every shelf (and I have lots of shelves), books on the floor, books under the bed, books on the bed (I keep books in a box on my bed at all times, next to my stuffed animals), posters of books on the walls, books everywhere! And all different kinds of books, too! Chapter books (lots of chapterbooks), picture books (not many of these, though), novels (countless novels), comic books, art books (lots of these), encyclopedias, dictionaries, school books I’ve saved (in case I have the urge to know some odd fact or another), instructional books, graphic novels, books on CD, manga books (mostly consisting of Kingdom Hearts manga), cheap books from goodwill, knew books from the bookstore or ordered off of amazon, I have a lot of books!


But if you were to look at pictures of my room, you would also notice that there’re lots of other things besides books in there, too. You would notice the large quantities of felt, of all different colors, some on the floor, stuffed into what shelf space books don’t completely occupy, under the desk, on top of the desk, and the spools of thread trailing their long colored tails all over the place (this is where such joys as plush Matoran are born). You would also notice colored pencils and sketch diaries (used completely, or almost so), and paper of all colors and cuts strewn here and there, everywhere. And, if the picture were very recent (for my mom hates it when I don’t have the floor regularily vaccumed when I carve) wood chips from my latest wood-carving project (Clover from Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo). (A lot of these items I shall have to move to the basement when my baby brother gets old enough to come sleep in the crib that’s set up in my room. A fine thing that would be if he gets his hands on one of my carving knives or swallows a sewing needle!)


Such is the room of an eccentric homeschooler.


I guess that that’s more about my room than about me. I’ll get back to me!


When I get a job, I’m hoping that my first job will be at the library. No burger-flipping for me, thanks!


I would like to be a writer when I’m old enough to have the brain capacity to write a really great story. As of now, however, I’m reduced to writing stupid stories that half the time I never finish anyway. One, for example, was a story about the tooth fairy who commissions dwarves to make her a butterfly-winged-teddy bear drawn marble, jewel studded sleigh and in return has to find and give the dwarves the “ultimate tooth”, which is in the possession of the tooth fairy’s sister, the Goblin Queen. The story was written at a friends house. I had brought my new laptop to show my friends. After going through all the wallpapers and screensavers, the laptop was handed to me. We stared at the screen for a while. Not knowing what else to do, I started to write a ridiculous story for the amusement of my friends. Hence “The Tooth Fairy and the Goblin Queen” was written. Look for it in the bookstores.


I have two brothers. It’s so weird to be able to say that because, for years, I’ve only had one. But, one Christmas, by brother and I open these T-Shirts that both say “I’m the big sister/brother” (Mine didn’t mean much to me because I’m the already the big sister. But my brothers’ was the puzzle until my aunt figured it out with some help from dad.) that was when we knew we’d have a new sibling this year. He was born just five days ago!


Ok, I know this is a lo-o-ong blog entry, but I’m probably only going to have this blog for a couple of days (since I’m not a premier member), I would like to cram as much into it as I can.


More later, hopefully!





Plus, if you want to want to have a good time and enjoy a good laugh, visit The Inner Workings of Tums' Brain.


Recommended Comments

Yay! I've been linked to! I owe you a Drink from the Royal Fountain. Well, actually, it's from the royal blender...


Good luck with your next few days of Blogging. (You too, Axel?)



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Yay! I've been linked to! I owe you a Drink from the Royal Fountain. Well, actually, it's from the royal blender...

I am honored, Your Majesty! Pray tell, do you know how to make bananna shakes? I love those!


Good luck with your next few days of Blogging.

Thank you! I might just get a premier membership just to keep my blog (and if I can afford it... and if mom lets me...)



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