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Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion


I really need to finish my second epic, but I've been stuck for the past few days. At the moment, a Matoran of Radiation named Lenurin who is accompanying the heroes is crawling through an air vent (something about air vents is just so epic) looking for one of twelve artifacts. Somehow he's going to have to find one, but it can't be too easy nor can it be too hard, because I don't want the chapter to be too unrealistic or long, respectively. But I don't know how he's going to do it. This is a serious problem, because I have major writer's block, and I can't write more than a few words every day.


I'm looking for inspiration from anywhere it will come. I can't have a monster or anything since he's just a Matoran and realistically won't be able to fight it off. Unless... unless I have him pull off a creative maneuver involving the ceiling collapsing on the Rahi and immobilzing it, and then he finds that the thing he's looking for is in the rubble on top of the Rahi...


Yes, that's a great idea. Now I have to go write it. I can finally continue! I was going to spend this entry complaining about writer's block, but instead I ended up bringing you an exclusive glimpse of the writer's block being smashed into a million pieces by the hammer of inspiration. Or something. Anyway, I finally have a way to continue my story and finish Chapter 17. Of course, I'll probably run out of inspiratory (is that a word?) fuel after I finish the chapter, but I think now I can finish before I start posting. Hopefully.


In other news, I got a flu shot today, much to my displeasure (I'm pretty sure that's a word), and to compensate my parents took me to Gamestop and Borders (I got nothing from either store, unfortunately), and we ate lunch at Wendy's. I've always hated flu shots. They only hurt for a few seconds, but there's a dull pain in your shoulder for the rest of the day. But I do appreciate the irony of it--someone stabs you with a needle, and then puts a bandage on the wound, and offers you a lollipop. (I got a lemon-flavored one, in case you were wondering.)


In other other news, I got past the boss I was on last night in Metroid Fusion, and now I'm stuck on Ridley-X. In MP3 Veteran Mode, I'm stuck on Rundas, though I haven't tried much because my hands are in pain from near constant DS Lite/Wiimote handling. My dad has my old DS, and he's been playing multiplayer with my brother and I on Mario Kart DS and Super Mario 64 DS. I'm trying to convince him to play Super Smash Bros. Melee or Metroid Prime Hunters with me, but he feels like learning the controls for too many games will overload his brain or something.


My hands and shoulders are hurting, but I still have to type on and finish Chapter 17. Wish me luck!


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If the chapter becomes too long that way, you might consider a cliffhanger.


Flu shots are pointless unless you have immunity system problems.

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Thanks for the idea. I think I can make it fit if I don't go overboard on the description, which I do sometimes tend to do. My rule for chapter length is about 5 pages in WordPerfect (I don't use Word, but I'm pretty sure five pages in WordPerfect is five pages in Word, too), and at the moment I'm only on the second. However, I do have to switch and show the other half of the team, who split up to look for these artifacts in a different location, so I have to conserve some space for that.


Anyway, about the flu shot, I do have immunity system problems... I guess. I have really bad asthma.

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