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ToM Dracone


So that took a lot longer than I had expected. There were a number of delays, five to be precise, and most of them weather-related, but I've finally posted Hewkii Mahri revamped. Seriously. If you know how I usually photograph stuff, you'll understand why weather causes delays. That and getting home after dark two days per week.


But anyway, click the picture below to go see him. If you didn't run across the slightly blurry early-morning photo I uploaded on Tuesday. Which is actually right here...




Next week is Thanksgiving break (after Tuesday, at least), which is nice, but I have to get there first. Essay and quiz for English, test in Euro, Greek quiz, and then a Bio test after we get back... But oh well.


I've been productive in my blogging absense, at any rate; colored a quick sketch of Hahli Mahri (may post tomorrow), CGed one of Takua you'll probably see in the next few days, and am mostly done with an MOC of Lewa Phantoka... then there's the SSC4 coming up; not sure if I'm allowed to enter...


Supposed to be writing that essay right now... *scoot*

~ ToM


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I like it! It solves the hand and color issues. I just wish there was a way to have silver on the chest -then, it might be possible to keep the awesome spike armor. If not, the streamlined armor works, too.


I also have an essay due on tuesday.



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Woh, that's alot of work to do!


*thinks about not starting on major science fair/ research project due in one week* :P


I realy interested in seeing your Lewa Phantoka, as well as your other Phantoka you were working on...


Do you plan to post them without the actual sets, or are you waiting to get them first?


I really wish I had the same patience to wait till overcast days for photos...

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Yeah, I saw this MOC last week and was amazed. Good work on it. The black piraka arm is probably the best part, to organize the color scheme, as well as flipping the body.


Good luck on your homework!



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...Well, that's interesting. *notices that the picture links to itself, not to the topic* *fixes it* Heh.


~Blue Diamond~ – Um, overcast days are terrible for taking pictures using natural light...

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