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News And Notes - 11/19



A few notes:


* Due to the fact that it looks like we changing comic artists in 2008, there will be no comic in January. The current plan is for the number of actual comic pages per issue to go up to 16 next year, although I have not heard yet if we are doing a total of five issues, four issues, four issues plus one online, or what. I do know first issue of the year will be in March 2008.


The reason for the change is basically Stuart having other projects to focus on and our wanting to get back to more of a 2001-2002 style with the book. I believe they are close to deciding on the new artist, but I have not heard a name yet. Will let you know when I do.


* We WILL be holding the line on prices in 2008, to the best of my knowledge, meaning the "canister" sets will still be at $9.99 as they have been in 2006-2007. This is frankly in the face of mounting and extreme pressures on us and the entire industry to raise prices. The rising cost of oil means the cost to produce plastic is way up (as well as to transport goods) -- plus a weak dollar means that the company does not make as much profit off sales in the US as it did in the past. We are staying where we are in 2008 and hoping that increased volume will make up for this, but I have a feeling you are going to see other toy companies raising prices in the coming months.


* Script for the new movie is supposed to be coming to me today for review. Once I have seen it and okayed it, it will get passed on to the rest of the team for review and approval.




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I can't wait until March then. :)


I loved the 2001 & 2002 style and I'm glad we're going to be getting back to it. ^_^ (no offense to Sayger and Elliot)



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Wow, thanks for the update, Greg!


I liked Stuart, though I have to say I don't think his style will go with next year's theme, from what we've seen. I'll have to see though.


Wow, go LEGO for keeping the prices. I'm impressed. I am sensing a price increase in 2009 though. Anyways, great job, LEGO!

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I agree with ToM, I never liked Stuart's art at all. It seemed sloppy and without much detail, leaving a lot to be desired. The Matoran were like stick figures without any features.


Anyway, I'm fine with the price, and the movie news is great.

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1. PLEASE...PLEASEEEEE don't let it be Pat Lee...he'll ruin -everything-.


2. Well that certainly beats the "omg small sets for $10 and canisters for $15" mentality people have been running around with it.


3. Did they finish the script before the strike and have just been editing it or w/e? Or are the people staffed to writing just not part of the Writer's Guild?



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I am glad and sad in someways about Stuart. Stuart was definitely a remarkable artist, but it's true. BIONICLE needs some more of it's original stuff back, and since the Nuva are returning, it only makes sense for them to look more like their old comics.


~ Bioran

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I am glad and sad in someways about Stuart. Stuart was definitely a remarkable artist, but it's true. BIONICLE needs some more of it's original stuff back, and since the Nuva are returning, it only makes sense for them to look more like their old comics.


~ Bioran


I would think so too...Stuart's comics made Bionicle look a lot more interesting. Simple yet...eye-catching. I wonder who would be the next artist...


Thanks for the update, Greg :)


Regarding the price shifting:

If I'm right, the US dollar is the "base" for all currencies, and it has been getting weaker lately, so every company around the globe suffers in economy. Combined with the increasing oil prices, everything is getting more and more expensive, and everybody, in comparison, is getting poorer and poorer :( So the Lego company would have to raise prices sooner or later to maintain sales, right? :unsure:

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For Stuart's art: I liked his art; It was sketchier, and the coloring was fantastic. I didn't like how he drew Matoran, though: all sick figures, and in comic 11 one of them had drills for hands. :sarcastic:


I can't wait to see the new art, especially it is like the picture on the back of Comic 11!


For the prices: Thanks, Lego, for not raising them! I wonder if there will ever be a plastic that doesn't use oil?


The Movie: The script! I'm really excited to learn about the contents, even if it's not until we see the promotions.



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I loved the way Stuart drew a lot of the characters, though I would have liked it if he'd put a bit more work into making the masks better (Jaller Inika's always looked like it had a beak in his drawings, and

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the second pic of Turaga Vakama in Comic 11 was awful.
. I also agree that his Matoran were sloppy, but then again he was the first comic artist to draw anything using non-existant masks/parts, so I suppose he deserves some credit.


I hope the new comic artist puts as much work into establishing mood and atmsophere as Stuart did... Comic 11 was beautiful, and his style will be missed.

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Tis a shame that I have yet to get Stuarts final work (for Bionicle). But getting back to the 01-02 style is good too, I kinda liked that style as well.


And as long as they don't go any higher, I'm okay with Canister set prices, for now.


Can't wait for the movie X3

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Tis a shame that I have yet to get Stuarts final work (for Bionicle). But getting back to the 01-02 style is good too, I kinda liked that style as well.


And as long as they don't go any higher, I'm okay with Canister set prices, for now.


Can't wait for the movie X3

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I agree with ToM, I never liked Stuart's art at all. It seemed sloppy and without much detail, leaving a lot to be desired. The Matoran were like stick figures without any features.


Anyway, I'm fine with the price, and the movie news is great.


I second that!

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Well I like how staurt made it more darker, with more drama :) , but the messing up how things look gets on my nerves. :angry: If he drew every issue like the first Iginition , the Ignition series whould be prefect if there was more conent in them.Anaways I rellay hope they choose the artist who did the drarwing on the back of Ignition 11. He (or she) was awsome!!! :happydance: I don't care if there ins't a janury issue becuase if we get a 16 page issue it will be worth it.As for the movie I hope they work hard on it and make it good , the other movies did'nt appeal to me.

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Well I like how staurt made it more darker, with more drama :) , but the messing up how things look gets on my nerves. :angry: If he drew every issue like the first Iginition , the Ignition series whould be prefect if there was more conent in them.Anaways I rellay hope they choose the artist who did the drarwing on the back of Ignition 11. He (or she) was awsome!!! :happydance: I don't care if there ins't a janury issue becuase if we get a 16 page issue it will be worth it.As for the movie I hope they work hard on it and make it good , the other movies did'nt appeal to me.

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:pirate: At least there will be a comic in 2008, so my Brickmaster subscription will not go to waste. However, I wish I was 18, and could audition for the voice of one of the matoran. By the way, will the voices of Tahu and team from MOL return, (as their part) if you know? :pirate:


-Captain raven575

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Losing Stuart is bittersweet.


The man made AWESOME close ups. Balta, Axxon, Takadox, they were the best drawing I ever seen.


But the closeups were the only good parts. The rests of the sets looked bad from normal/regular view in his comics.


So yeah. Hoefully the new guy draw it like in 2001. All shiny and thick.

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I'm kinda glad sayger's gone, i mean i like how his style was so scetchy and unique, but gadunka always looked terrible (just like a bunch of random pieces floating in the water) and the comics themselves were too short and choppy with barely any detail. im sure that will improve. I agree with Rewdekeh as well, the 2001-2002 art was good

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doesn't weak dallor fr us means stronger dallors for canada,cause i here this alot on the radio,and on tv.besides whats so bad about canadian money being stronger.

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