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Over The River And Through The Woods

ToM Dracone


Well, over a lot of rivers and through several woods...


I'm off on Thanksgiving break, down to Delaware, just so you all know. Not that it matters much, if at all, on your end, but I figured I might as well announce my absence somewhere. So there you go. I have.


Lewa Phantoka was delayed, again because of weather, but his design isn't quite perfect yet anyway. That sketch of Hahli can be found if you know where to look. SSC4 is going to be quite spifftastic, if I do say so myself. And I'm finally getting ideas for that end of '07-start of '08 comic I mentioned some entries ago, melding elements of the real end with quite different fundamental plot points of my own invention, which I dreamed up before we knew the real ending. Maybe called The Spirit Fallen; I wanted to use Resurrexit Mata, but that doesn't make sense in terms of tense...


Just a few things for you.


*puts up large 'gone bird-eating' sign*

~ ToM


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On an unrelated note I just noticed how darned cool-looking that "submerged" animated icon thingy is.


I wish I'd been Premier when I had ~1500 posts...

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Bah! Enough about my spelling woes. :P


On a now related note, that is indeed a spiffing icon...


Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, I have to read Candide over break... should probably start that now. But I'm more interested in sketching out ideas for the first page of the comic...

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