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Wanna 2008 Astronomy Rundown?



How many of you would like an entire rundown of all the major celestial events of 2008?


Please comment even if you're only slightly interested so I can know how many people would view it.


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You double commented, tsk tsk. :P That's ok, I've been doing the same thing with all of these stupid Board Messages. <_< Alright, that's three.

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Count me in. I'm interested in celestial events. I'm no astronomer, but I like the stars.

Yes, the 4th day stars...


I'd definitely like to see what you've got. :)



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Depends on how interesting they are. Minor things don't spark my interest, but if there's any major things, i.e. things you can only witness once or twice in a lifetime, I'm all for it.

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Things that happen once or twice in a lifetime are very rare. The last such event was Comet Hale-Bopp of Winter 1997-Spring 1998. I can tell you now that there actually will be another event like that this next year. Also, something that happens once every 14.5 years; and something that happens once every 43 years. Five.

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Out of curiosity, is there really a huge asteroid close to us the size of Texas? I'm pretty sure that was a joke, but I know there are asteroids that big, so just wondering.


I'm pretty interested in astronomy, so ANY interesting happenings, no matter how small, are things I would take interest in seeing.



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Lets hope Bruce Willis will blow it up for us.



He is my Bedtime hero!



Uhh Guy above me, There is a big asteroid not as big as texas but big enough to say...... Wipe out the Human race heh ehh....

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Well, Lukos Bassai, there are hundreds of asteroids that cross Earths orbit regularly, but most of them are from a couple feet wide to about 10 miles wide. Nothing as big as Texas, but some of the larger ones would pose a threat to Earth if they collided with us. However, Astronomers have been studying these asteroids for decades, and none of them will be hitting us for a very long time.

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Well, Lukos Bassai, there are hundreds of asteroids that cross Earths orbit regularly, but most of them are from a couple feet wide to about 10 miles wide. Nothing as big as Texas, but some of the larger ones would pose a threat to Earth if they collided with us. However, Astronomers have been studying these asteroids for decades, and none of them will be hitting us for a very long time.


Unless of course, something unexpected happened. :P


I'm not worried much about that though, as chances are if an asteroid that was big fell on Earth, it would probably land in the ocean-hopefully at least.

Anyway, when would this 2008 Celestial Schedule be up?



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Well, I'm getting pretty close to finishing it, but I'm not sure how to post it. All at once? In twelve segments (one for each month)? In four segments (one per season)? I'd say that it should be up (or at least part of it) on Tuesday or Wednesday.

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