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College Inquiry Rant



This has been bugging me since...last year I guess.

What's really annoying is, being a senior (last year a junior) and people ask where you want to go to college and all. Probably not all that annoying if you know where you want to go, but for me, well, up until about two months ago, I'd say I have no clue.


I still don't know where I'm going, the final verdict on anything college, and I still don't like the question. Why do people feel the need to find out where I'm going to go to school and what I'm going to study? How will that information help them?

Are they trying to judge me? I remember someone (probably a comedian) saying that there's a big difference between saying you're a politicianversus a plumber. If the politian is speaking, the inquirer will want to know more. If the plumber is speaking, the inquirer won't really care to know more and change the subject/walk away.

So maybe I'll just tell people I'm going to be a plumber and then see their reaction!


It wasn't as bad in eighth grade. I knew I was going to my mom's alma mater high school; it's been engraved in my mind since birth. And high schools aren't going to give you your life's profession either. It's not such a big deal.


What's weird is that, now that I'm a little more comfortable in my own mind, I've found myself talking about it with friends. I guess it's not that bad, since we would all rather focus on life now, but we already know each other and can help each other out because we're all in the same boat of awkwardness.

(Sorry, Aanchir! You understand.)


So there's my first official rant for my blog. I want people off my back and caring about my life now. I don't even know the person, so what should it matter to them? Are they judging my parents? I would be perfectly fine if they asked my interests. That's a good way to get to know a person too. I'd be fine telling them I'm a new Eagle Scout, I'm an AFOL (I'd explain that to them. And I'm not one yet...) and that I like journalism. There, there's my major for college. That's a good way to get into a discussion on where I'm going and what I'm doing.

"Oh, you like journalism? Is that what you'll study in college?"


-CF :kakama:

PS, as of now I've visited 4 colleges, know my list of where I want to go, and have tons of thoughts that will soon end up as blog entries.


Quote of the Day: Have you ever wondered why psychics have to ask your name?


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I don't think they're judging you...it's just that college is a HUGE step in a person's life, and they're curious as to if you've decided or not. If you're a senior, you should have an idea where you're going if you're going. I wouldn't worry about a field of study yet, though. You can worry about that after your first year or so once you've wrapped up Gen-Eds.


But there are two times in your life when people are going to ask you all kinds of questions like this:


1) High school graduation. What's your plans now that you're going to start being on your own a bit more.

2) College graduation. Now that you've finished, what do you plan to do with the rest of your life?

3 (I lied) Retirment. What are you going to do to fill your time?


Don't worry about people asking. They're just honestly wondering.

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I don't think they're judging you...it's just that college is a HUGE step in a person's life, and they're curious as to if you've decided or not. If you're a senior, you should have an idea where you're going if you're going. I wouldn't worry about a field of study yet, though. You can worry about that after your first year or so once you've wrapped up Gen-Eds.

As for field of study, I have to worry about that because not all colleges offer Journalism. And some are better than others as far as their program and school newspaper.


Just remember, not everyone knows fully what they wanna do in their life. College is the optional step that just opens doors for you.

Um, thanks. I'm complaining about people asking me about things I don't want to talk about.


Thanks for the replies guys!



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As for field of study, I have to worry about that because not all colleges offer Journalism. And some are better than others as far as their program and school newspaper.

The nice thing about journalism (at least from my experiences), is that most of the important learning comes when you've actually started writing. So this would be like a university paper or if you want to try doing some small writings for a local paper.


The journalism classes tend to be more in regards to the universal elements such as the laws surrounding mass media, the ethical choices you'll have to face, and an understanding of how to compose a story. (Though admittedly that last one would have a LOT of reliance on the quality of the instructor).

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