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You know how when a character is killed off or a big event happens, there's some sort of outrage in the fanbase? Fans riot and yell and make idiotic petitions, and bicker, and complain about how much the show sucks now, and all that jazz. And you know how some creators/writers/whoever cave in to demand and resurrect the character/strike the event from the official continuity? And then there's low sales or viewership? And then there are fans who are angry that the character was brought back/the event was struck from continuity? And they get all whiny and complainy?


I call this the Whiny Ingrate Seesaw Dilemma. IE, something happens, complaints occur, that something is unhappened, more complaints occur from other people. When a faction of the fanbase gets what they want, they quiet down, thus leaving room for people of the opposite sentiment to start a riot. Or, when the faction is finished complaining so much and has gotten what they want, lots of people, now not busy with complaining, decide they do not like the change/reversal/fancy new thing/whatever, and join in with other complainers. I bet you can all remember specific occurences of this, particularly among if you read comic books.


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Pretty much anything that's ever happened in bionicle?


What do you mean "Pretty much anything that's ever happened in Bionicle?" Nothing GMan has described has happened in Bionicle. So I don't know what you're talking about.



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Pretty much anything that's ever happened in bionicle?


What do you mean "Pretty much anything that's ever happened in Bionicle?" Nothing GMan has described has happened in Bionicle. So I don't know what you're talking about.



Ahhh, selective memory, what wonders it works.


In 2002 the Bohrok were both popular and controversial. Some fans got angry about the few differences between the sets. Similar complaints were made about the Nuva. Lego then tried to be more diverse, though they stirred up more discontent with the Kal. The Rahkshi had joints and all, but more complaining. Complaints about the Matoran sets, the Titan sets, Takanuva, the plot... 2004 garnered bucketfuls of complaints about how everything was ruined, or how everything before then was better, or how the new sets were awful, etc. 2005 got even more complaints. Come the release of Piraka images, there were virtual riots. And we all saw the 'Is Bionicle Going Downhill?' type topics appearing even more frequently in the last year and a half.

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