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S&t Quotes 5



More quotes from my notepad:


I can tell you this:


The red star is not a Great Being

The red star is not the home of Mata Nui, nor is he sleeping there

The Toa Mata did not come from the red star

The red star is not a portal or a gateway, no


Beyond that, I cannot say anything.


Q4) Will the Staff of Artahka or the Red Star have anything to do with next year?


4) Probably not, although there is more red star info in the Nuva blog and will be in future story. But the red star is not visible from the 2008 location, so not really much point in focusing a lot on it.


3.) Will Brutaka return as a set,now that he is gaining more importance?




2) I'm sure you've already got zillion's of questions like this, and I'm sure your going to say that you can't answer it to all of them, but is the living thing inside the Red Star, Mata-Nui?

2a) If not then is it anything we have heard of before.


2) No

2a) No


6)You seem to imply that there is some way to supercharge the MoLi to save Mata-Nui, yet you have said that having a way to revive people from the dead is bad because it takes away the point of someone dying. So is the supercharge method something that can olny be done once? Or mabey something that can olny be done for Mata-Nui?


6) It is not something that would work for anyone but Mata Nui.


Zaktan coiled the end of his spine around a Matoran’s throat and began to squeeze. "Wrong. It brings you pain. And we want to go on bringing you pain, Toa. Now lay down your weapons and surrender, or this Matoran dies – along with many more. You know how many we can kill before you can stop us."


2) There's a long list of things that you have said that aren't Mata Nui's location. Can you perhaps recall what you said/give s'more common ones that would seem to be member misconceptions? (He's on Mata Nui, or Metru Nui, etc.)

2) I have been asked about him being on Mata Nui, Metru Nui, Voya Nui, and the WTFTW, and have said no to all of them


2) I heard an unconfirmed report that a strong, concentrated blast of light could destroy a Makuta. Is this true?

2a) If it is true, how concentrated would it have to be?

2b) Would a light Nova blast do the trick?


2) Makuta are vulnerable to light, yes, but it would be more than even a Toa of Light gone nova would be able to accomplish


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