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And here I am wishing for Portal on the PC...


How silly of me : D


But yeah, Assassin's Creed ftw. Let's hear it for more Knights Templar conspiracy theories :happydance: -Swert

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*Dances around with Swert and Po*


Seriously the whole plot and awesomeness of Assassin's Creed cannot be questioned. I hope it comes out on PC soon, or a 360 falls randomly from the sky for me. :P


I have Assassin's Creed.


Do not hate me.



I don't hate you man, just a extreme distaste in liking. xD

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Yeah, only having a PC really bites sometimes...because Assassin's Creed looks awesome. I'd pick it up if I had a 360. Another game I wish was on the PC is Mass Effect...

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I have no new console worth having to play awesome games on. They blow up your old console whenever it becomes obsolete. Which is about five moments after buying.


Luckily for me, I cut the blue wire... or the black one... or the red one....


I'm more interested in FFXII: Revenant Wings, but I don't really know what this one is about, WHAT IS IT ABOUT!?

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Yeah, only having a PC really bites sometimes...because Assassin's Creed looks awesome. I'd pick it up if I had a 360. Another game I wish was on the PC is Mass Effect...

Actually AC is coming on PC sometime next year. For the fail we have to wait so long, but at least it's coming out. And Mass Effect looks awesome...


Poor PC gamers (like me), we get so underrated. =(


I'm more interested in FFXII: Revenant Wings, but I don't really know what this one is about, WHAT IS IT ABOUT!?

It's a sequel to FFXII on the DS, simply put.

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Assassin's Creed FTW! Seriously, that game makes me drool...


I hear it has some glitches though. Plus the PC version isn't out yet. -_-

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*Dances around with Swert and Po*


Seriously the whole plot and awesomeness of Assassin's Creed cannot be questioned. I hope it comes out on PC soon, or a 360 falls randomly from the sky for me. :P


I have Assassin's Creed.


Do not hate me.



I don't hate you man, just a extreme distaste in liking. xD


Sorry :(.

If it's any concelation, I can't play it until Tuesday.

I can see that Altaïr has blessed your avatar and banner.

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I don't understand how people complain about glitches so much, as long as isn't destroying the game I really don't care if I see something funky sometimes. The graphics already look win.


I hope the PC version comes out soon! Wiki said early 2008, I'm hoping that means like January-Feb and not like March or May. ><




Sorry .

If it's any concelation, I can't play it until Tuesday.

I can see that Altaïr has blessed your avatar and banner.

LOL its ok NP! I was kidding. And yes, Altair has taken over ma soul. *Adds him to fangirl list*

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Grrr... You Stole My Uber-Awesome Avatar... :P, but my banner is better...., J/K. Anyway, Assassin's Creed owns. I Got it a week and a half ago and I'm still immersed in the game. Yesterday, not to brag, I went to Hot Topic and Bought the NECA Player Select Altair Figure (But I didn't pay that much.) I'm really thinking that with the sales being so well that it may be released on the PC. Ah! I remember now, if you don't sell your DS, then I think it was released for it! I started up an Assassin's creed topic in CoT if you want to Check it Out. Good Luck on somehow getting it!

EDIT: The Glitches Don't Destroy the game Whatsoever if your Concerned.



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I'm more interested in FFXII: Revenant Wings, but I don't really know what this one is about, WHAT IS IT ABOUT!?

It's a sequel to FFXII on the DS, simply put.[/color]

*Sigh* Another reason for me to get a DS.


I took a look at AC, and it looks pretty good. Do you know if they have demos in stores?

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I'm more interested in FFXII: Revenant Wings, but I don't really know what this one is about, WHAT IS IT ABOUT!?

It's a sequel to FFXII on the DS, simply put.[/color]

*Sigh* Another reason for me to get a DS.


I took a look at AC, and it looks pretty good. Do you know if they have demos in stores?


Gosh, it's hard to see AC and DS in the same sentence and not think the AC stands for "Animal Crossing." :P


*needs to get back to playing video games*

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