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Whats This Whats This?!?!?contest!

Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins


yes thats right! its a MOCing and drawing contest!!!!! all bzp and bbc and ac rules aply all entrys MUST be entered here by dec 15

the theme? it is! the barraki as warlords before they were mutated

good luck to you all B)




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I just destroyed my pre-Ehlek!




I don't have a camera anyways! :P


Edit: You should have two parts, one for artists to draw them, and he other to MOC them :D

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Never mind


*Hand falls off*


Darn it!


*Glues hand back on*


Here's my entry, warning, it's HUGE, could've been bigger though, full A4 page used, I shrunk it for your convienience:


Participants Name: DexStar

Entry Name: Ehlek and Nocturn

Entry Url: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Farseer/Art/ehl...cturnpre001.png

Description: Masks stink I know, Ehlek has an advance Miru Nuva, I made him ninja like, notice the shruiken in his left hand (Your right) Nocturn, I made him taller than Ehlek and much powerfuler looking, I changed their feet too, and if you note the belts, the signify their position in Ehlek's army, I didn't include Ehlek's breathing apparatus, it looked wierd, oh and I made them Bionicle the Game style


*Hand falls off*


Where's the super glue when you need it? <_<

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Oh come on, I was doing this exact same contest in about a month after my current and next contest end. I'll give you the links to my sketches though from months back.

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I shall enter the Moc contest!

*locks self in room and ignores homework and projects to work of Moc*


EDIT- Did you know your Fuzum's name is Saturday in Spanish?

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Well, hopefully it's allowed to dig up horrifying images from our horrible past, because that's exactly what I did. On exactly October 20th, I made and posted this little baby. It's hard to imagine him leading an army, though.... Anyways, without further roo-doo, I present:


Carapar - He Used to be Cute... Kinda!

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