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S&t Quotes 10



More. :P


I remember a while ago, you stated that the Toa Mata's smaller size was due to their age. Can you confirm this?


Age of the sets, yes, not age of the characters. The sets are smaller than later Toa sets because they were the first ones and didn't have much in the way of points of articulation. For the purposes of story, all Toa are roughly the same height, 7.2 feet


Just for confirmation:


Half of the 08 Matoran we have seen are evil Av Matoran and the other half are good Av Matoran. Can you confirm this?




Will we know what Mata Nui's form is by the end of 08?


Thanks :D


Sorry, I can't discuss future storyline plans


I need some confirmation on a few things :P


1) The Staff of Artakha repairs and rebuilds objects, right?


2) Can the Staff of Artakha do anything else?


3) Will it be used outside the web serials?


1) If it has a fragment of something to work with, yes

2) Such as?

3) No plan for that at the moment


If the items on the scroll aren't completed, what would happen?


If the items on the scroll are not completed, it would make Mata Nui's post-awakening process more difficult by far, but it would not make it impossible to awaken him. Just be much harder after he's up.


Hi! (If you can, please answer under each questions :))


1) Can Mata Nui be replaced?


2) Could another Great Spirit replace him?


3) Could a Great Being replace him?


4) Are there any other Great Spirits?


5) Is it possible for anyone to become a Great Spirit?


6) Can the universe survive for an extended period of time without a Great Spirit?


7) What exactly did Mata Nui do? How did he keep the universe running?


8) When will we know where Mata Nui is and what he looks like?


9) Can you confirms if the Nuva are returning to the spotlight next year?


10) Over how much time does 08 run?


11) Are the Rahaga (sp?) the six returning heroes in the web serials?


12) When the Nva return to the spotlight, will they be trying to save Mata Nui? Or will they have a more important job to over that year?


13) Is there anything in the universe that can revive Mata Nui?


Thanks :)


1) No

2) We don't know that there are any other Great Spirits, so no

3) No, no

4) Not that I know of, no

5) No. You cannot turn into a Great Spirit the way you turn into a Toa or Turaga. It is a totally separate thing.

6) Only about three days.

7) Hasn't been revealed

8-13) I can't discuss future storyline


Hello, can all bio-mechanical beings regenerate like the Toa Mata?


If you mean can they regrow muscle tissue to link mechanical parts back together, yes

One more question:


Can Toa create their own elemental energy, or does it come from an outside source?


Comes from within, it's part of their nature


4) Are there going to be any new organisations in 08?


4) Doesn't look like it.


2) Regarding Mata Nui, is he in a form we have seen before?


6b) Is Mata Nui in the Universe core?


2) Can't answer this

6b) Can't answer it


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